Opinion essay

  • Some believe it is important for cities and towns to invest heavily in building large outdoor public spaces. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1 :

    As we are progressing towards development and well-built infrastructure, many people claim
    that it is essential for cities to invest substantially in the creation of large outdoor public spaces.
    In my opinion, it is true that the authorities should invest in building huge outdoor spaces for
    the public, as it will promote tourism and public health. In the forthcoming paragraph, I shall
    explain my point of view in detail.

    Primarily, as we are moving towards development, the demand for outdoor public space is also
    doubling. Outdoor public places are important for more than just aesthetic reasons. It provides
    a communal area for people to connect with nature and other people. It also allows youngsters
    to participate in a variety of outdoor activities, such as the famous Lodhi Garden of Delhi. This
    park helps appreciate the beauty of the town while also providing opportunities for people
    from various areas to come and spend leisure time and improve their general health.

    Besides that, outdoor spaces also help to boost tourism. It attracts visitors from all over the
    world to view and enjoy the area’s natural beauty. New York City’s Central Park is a classic
    example. The city was well-known for business visits prior to its development. The construction
    of Central Park not only allowed locals to participate in a variety of activities but also attracted
    non-business visitors from all over the world.

    However, some people think that spending too much money on outdoor spaces is a complete
    waste of money. But it is also equally true that we cannot overlook the reality of the growing
    demand for fresh air and greenery.

    In conclusion, investing in outdoor spaces improves the look of a city and helps to promote
    tourism. Authorities should allocate a well-balanced budget based on the needs of the city’s


    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    · Do you agree that it is important for cities and towns to invest heavily in building large
    outdoor public spaces?


    · Do you disagree that it is important for cities and towns to invest heavily in building large
    outdoor public spaces?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – As we are progressing towards development and well-built
    infrastructure, many people claim that it is essential for cities to invest substantially in the
    creation of large outdoor public spaces.

    Opinion – In my opinion, it is true that the authorities should invest in building huge outdoor
    spaces for the public, as it will promote tourism and public health.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraph, I shall explain my point of view in detail.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Central idea: Benefits of public outdoor areas

    Supporting points:

    · Important, not only for aesthetic reasons

    · Provides opportunities to engage with other people

    · Improves quality of life


    Body Paragraph 2:

    Central idea: Ways outdoor spaces promotes tourism

    Supporting points:

    · Enhances area’s natural beauty

    · Boosts tourism

    · Promotes economic development


    Reiterated that investing in outdoor spaces improves the look of a city and helps to promote
    tourism and supported the side taken in introduction.


    Sample Answer 2 :

    Countries are growing at a rapid speed. This is a reason many people say that it is quite vital to invest a huge amount of money while constructing big outdoor public places. Although it is crucial especially in a city or town, I do not with this statement. In this essay, I will delve into why authorities should not invest in this area.

    To begin with, there are various reasons why the government should not spend a lot of funds on such things. First of all, in urban places, there is already less space to live as compared to the population which is increasing day by day. For instance, people have small houses to accommodate their whole family as a result many people spend their lives in a single room. So, if there is free space, the legislative should adjust such people and give them a better standard of living especially in big cities and towns.

    Moreover, this kind of construction requires a large sum of money which can be used in other crucial sectors such as education, infrastructure. Furthermore, a significant amount of time is needed to build that space appropriately and leading to the high expenditure of the government. In addition to that, individuals may not like that place and end ignoring it. That will ultimately lead to wastage of funds and time as well. Therefore, authorities should invest in prominent categories and spend hard-earned cash wisely.

    To conclude, the government should look into the well-being of its citizens rather than building new public places in open areas. Besides, they can also invest in other paramount sectors to enhance the ease of life.

    Sample Answer 3 :

    Spacious outdoor spots have become an indispensable segment of society. Nonetheless, numerous folks favour its establishments and others oppose. I strongly support the statement and related ideas, which along with the conclusion, would be discussed in the following paragraphs.

    There are a plethora of causes behind supporting building parks and foremost one is concerned with fostering socialism. For example, civilians gather at such spots in their leisure time in order to keep themselves alive and kicking by performing various exercises. As a result, they obtain a golden opportunity to communicate with other members of the societies to share their thoughts, feelings, issues in order to seek related solutions by lending the hands. Henceforth, this practice boosts the societies by uniting them through thick and thins.

    Furthermore, there has been a dramatic shift of the folks to the metropolises since the last decade due to the availability of jobs and other sorts of amenities. This migration has made the cosmopolises polluted by air, water, and noise contamination. As a result, town inhabitants always remain prone to various hazardous ailments. Thus, the establishment of gardens would certainly make the environment free from contamination as tree release oxygen which is quite essential to breathe as well as to freshen the air.

    To recapitulate, although, it is crucial to construct large outdoor spots for public facilitation, yet the importance of feeding disadvantageous people who are residing below a breadline should not be neglected. Thus, the higher authorities should pay heed to all aspects of life to enhance the living standard of the public including the construction of spacious gardens.

    Sample Answer 4 :

    Nowadays, an increasing number of outdoor places and amusement playground has been established for city dwellers. It is a debatable issue whether huge capital for the construction of such leisure places should be invested or not. In my opinion, I think more breathing spaces and open places need to be built in urban areas since citizens of town area often live in narrow and crowded places.

    To begin with, allocating budget and spending fund on building entertainment venue sometimes proved to be a mere luxury for many under-developed nations. While a considerable amount of public money has been spent on building and maintaining amusement parks, it is obvious that other crucial development parts will receive a lesser amount of the budget. For instance, allocation on education and health sectors require more improvement in many countries than spending in leisure place. As a result, disbursing money in funfair sometimes deprives the other sectors, which may result in a poorer health and education sector.

    Despite the few drawbacks of expending money on theme playground, it is essential for the entertainment purpose of urban residents. To be elaborate, open spaces for breathing are inevitable for their survival of urban citizens since they are usually living with a wide range of difficulties, including traffic congestion, smaller residence, and crowded streets. In other words, amusement playgrounds are essential elements for urban residents that gives the opportunity to relax and to get rid of the bottleneck situation of city life. To illustrate, doctors are now often giving the recommendation of spending time in open sites for releasing the stress of individuals. Therefore, the establishment of parks is as crucial for the city people as the other major development sectors.

    In conclusion, people often argue about the allocation of budget on leisure venue. However, I believe spending tax payers’ money in founding parks are vital for the urban population due to their stress level in living in a town. This investment may indirectly cut the requirement of the provision in health and other sectors budget.

    Sample Answer 5 :

    It is argued that investment in the construction of enormous outdoors spaces for public use has significant importance for residents of a big city as well as for a small town. I agree with the idea of investing in social projects in urban areas because it benefits a lot both for individuals, the elderly, children and most participants in society. Tourists and visitors could be attracted to. In order to create successful kinds of projects, a serious budget is essential, because a professional team of analysts, designers and workers are demanded.

    First of all, there are few different types of outdoor places, aimed for leisure and for practical advantages, such as healthy outdoor activities. High-quality sports facilities, or just creative and appealing playgrounds, can make children and teenagers lead more active and healthier lives, and also distract them from electronic devices. Adults ,on the other hand, could have a chance to pursue a workout, which they are mostly willing to do instead of coffee and smoking breaks. It seems to be obvious, but even a playground has to have a decent Landschaft plan that allows parents to supervise their young from any angle or spot.

    Secondly, a beautifully designed resting place, for example as a garden, a park or just a yard with some artistic sculptures or, a street art gallery can become a tourist attraction or favourite meeting spot among locals.After local businesses and administration will definitely profit from it.

    To conclude, the facilities that respond to people’s needs matter, therefore for local government is important to finance the improvements of urban architecture and outdoor facilities.

  • General Writing Sample Task 2 #1

    Some people prefer to spend time with their own age group while others like to spend their time with different age groups. Discuss both views and gibe your opinion.Read More »

  • To succeed in a business, one needs to know math’s. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    People have regularly shared their ideas for success in business. Many individuals feel that
    mathematics is essential for commercial success. In my opinion, I disagree with this concept. I
    believe that in order to thrive in business, one must have proper managerial skills. In the
    forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.

    Many people believe that it is essential to excel in math’s to be a great businessman. Math aids
    in gaining a good understanding of computations and figures. However, it’s not true. One can
    always hire employees like accountants and financial experts to manage the business flow. The
    recruited personnel are specialists in their professions and can assist owners in predicting
    future earnings and losses.

    Additionally, the business owner who does not even understand basic math can avoid being
    duped by their staff by purchasing business plan software’s. Entrepreneurs just have to put in
    the appropriate numbers and the software will generate professional results. Besides that, the
    success of the firm is determined by the owners’ managerial abilities, organizational skills, and
    capability to use employees for maximum efficiency. Furthermore, entrepreneurs must possess
    excellent leadership qualities, such as the ability to establish a clear company strategy and
    vision. Above all, an entrepreneur should be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, as
    well as what they can contribute to the table.

    However, it might be true that the nature of business involves calculations for monetary
    transactions. Therefore, all the activities in a company are indirectly related to math’s, and not
    having the basic knowledge of math’s is a significant disadvantage. Irrespective of this common
    belief, the recent technological advancements do not allow math’s to impede anybody’s

    To sum up, commercial success is based not only on math but also on proper resource
    management in organizations.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    · Do you agree that if a business wants to succeed, they need to know math’s?


    · Do you disagree that if a business wants to succeed, they need to know math’s?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Many individuals feel that mathematics is essential for commercial

    Opinion – Though I don’t agree with this concept, I believe that in order to thrive in business,
    one must have proper managerial skills.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Ways additional resources besides math’s can help to run a business.

    Supporting points:

    · Using additional help like hiring experts

    · Recruiting specialists

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Requirement of additional skills for business

    Supporting points:

    · Business software that help

    · Importance of managerial and organizational skills

    · Leadership qualities that help


    Reiterated that success of the business is not just based on math but also on proper resource
    management of resources and supported the side taken in the introduction.


    Sample Answer 2 : Band 8.0

    It is undeniable that math is essential when it comes to the business industry. I partly agree with the previous-mentioned assertion as I think that math is by far not a single skill that future entrepreneurs need to develop in order to succeed.

    To begin with, there is one main reason why I think that math is one of the main subjects, but not the dominant; it is an indispensable tool for annual accountings and analytics, which in its turn is extremely crucial in every business structure. If the employees of the particular campaign are not simply able to deal with mathematical bases like multiplying or dividing so how they are going to make complex reforms or make an economical predictions without implementing functions and probabilities. Furthermore, knowing the initial theories will, perhaps, help future businessmen and businesswomen to not be fooled by their own staff by monitoring the process of accounting company’s expenses and income. Thus, it is important that employment owners have minimal awareness of algebra and geometric.

    Despite the knowledge of elementary numerical elements, good business owners should have other merits to guarantee that their employees might take off. Leadership skills, in fact, are a powerful instrument for both gaining market share and being in good terms with team members. It is horrible to imagine a company, which leader is inadequately behaved but perfectly educated. Moreover, it is not surprising that in some well-known campaigns like Apple or Facebook, employers and managers are equally valued simply because their bosses make a tranquil environment for their workers by giving them a great motive to be inspired and to achieve their best. This is what a great leader is all about; the more chiefs will support its employees, the more the company will be flourished in the future. This is why modern business owners should be provided with management skills as much as calculation.

    To conclude, I still believe that math has a pivotal role to play in the company’s development, but people need to have other life-enhanced privileges not to be bankrupt by running their own business.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 8

    Many people claim that a key ingredient to success in the business world is a firm understanding of math. In my opinion, although there is some truth to this, it is not a crucial factor.

    Proponents of the importance of math argue its usefulness in a variety of business contexts. For all business majors, mathematics courses in university are a requirement for graduation. This is because it is essential not only for those running a small business or shop to be able to do good book-keeping but also as a foundational skill for Wall Street brokersbankersentrepreneursaccountants, and marketers. Without a solid understanding of the mathematical principles underlying the decision-making in those fields it is difficult to truly innovate and excel.

    Nonetheless, there are more vital elements to business success. The math a business needs to prosper can be handled by dedicated specialists. It is more important for a potential business person to understand the nuances of the market, display leadership qualities, be decisive, and possess generally above-average intelligence. A good example of this would be an entrepreneur like Steve Jobs. He famously only hired quality specialists and prioritised for himself learning how to be an effective leader and motivate his employees well. The key to success is therefore segmenting a business into different areas all under the capable hands of visionary leader.

    In conclusion, mathematical ability can help inform businesses but it is not as essential as other management qualities. The ideal business person has an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and brings together a team of strong complements.



    key ingredient essential part

    business world where business people work

    firm understanding of math know math well

    crucial factor important element

    proponents supporters

    usefulness practicality

    variety of business contexts many different jobs

    majors studying

    requirement must do

    graduation finishing school

    running a small business having your own business

    book-keeping keeping track of your earnings/spending

    foundational skill needed

    Wall Street brokers people who trade stocks

    bankers people who work in banks

    entrepreneurs people starting their own business

    accountants people working with finances

    marketers people working in advertising

    solid understanding good grasp

    mathematical principles underlying the math that underpins/supports

    decision-making making decisions

    fields jobs, areas

    truly innovate think of new ideas

    excel do better than others

    nonetheless regardless

    vital elements key parts

    prosper do rewally well

    handled by dedicated specialists dealt with by people who know it well

    potential business person will get into business someday

    nuances complexity

    display leadership qualities are good leaders

    decisive can make decisions

    possess generally above-average intelligence are smart

    entrepreneur person who starts a business

    famously well-known

    hired quality specialists employed experts

    prioritised placed value on

    effective leader good boss

    motivate his employees well encourage those who work for him

    key to success ingredient to doing well

    segmenting a business dividing up a company

    under the capable hands of under good leadership

    visionary leader boss who can see the future

    inform contribute to

    not as essential as not as important as

    management qualities leadership qualities

    ideal perfect

    strengths and weaknesses what you’re good and bad at

    brings together combines

    strong complements those who can support you

    Sample Answer 4 :

    Some people argue that maths is an essential skill in order to do well in business. I partly disagree with this notion because although basic maths is required to properly run a business, more complex maths can be outsourced.

    Basic maths is an integral part of running a business. Success in business requires a broad range of knowledge including finance and accounting which both use maths. Business owners should have a solid understanding of basic arithmetic as well as algebra in order to run their business effectively. In addition, maths is required when performing business operations like accounting, inventory management, and forecasting sales.

    However, strong maths skills are not required to do well in the business field. While maths is undeniably an important part of running a business, it is possible to outsource this skill. This includes hiring an individual skilled in the financial side of business as well as using spreadsheets and computer programs that will do financial models for business owners. Though using spreadsheets does require a basic understanding of the principles of finance and maths, it does not require a high level of math skills in areas such as calculus. Moreover, maths is a broad field that encompasses a number of subtopics such as geometry, calculus, algebra, and statistics. Not all of these areas are required when running a business.

    In conclusion, I partly disagree with the notion that business success requires strong maths skills. While many aspects of business do require basic maths skills such as finance and accounting, being good in all types of maths is not a requirement. Furthermore, many higher level maths skills can be outsourced.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 8

    Many people regard math skills as a key factor to achieve success in business as it facilitates the decision making process. However, I believe it is only one out of various factors that contribute to business success and therefore non-essential .

    On the one hand, math enables key people to make better decisions. One application of business mathematics is to provide statistics that can predict future scenarios. These predictions might lay a firm foundation for more informed and evidence-based decisions , replacing biased ones based on managers’ gut feelings . For decades, Unilever has utilised a statistical model that can forecast the supply and demand of fast-moving consumer goods , allowing the company leaders to promptly plan production and sales of each product category.

    On the other hand, I believe that one can run a business successfully without excellent math skills. In fact, many entrepreneurs have built billion-dollar enterprises thanks to great personal qualities. A good example in this case is Nguyen Thanh Duc, the chairman of NTD Group. He was known to be a disruptive student that failed almost all school subjects including math, yet he rose to become an inspirational leader who could motivate his employees to strive to gain collective success for the corporation. In addition, his success is attributed to the courage to take the risks that rational calculations , such as those that guide Unilever, would rule outAs these leadership qualities concurred with a good fortune, his startup has evolved into a multinational business empire, becoming market leaders in many industries including real estate, fishery and forestry.

    In conclusion, although statistical math could help make better decisions, I am of the opinion that risk taking, inspirational personality traits and luck are crucial to drive an enterprise to success . That is why business schools should focus more on honoring interpersonal skills including leadership and communication.

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