Opinion essay

  • Many educational institutions give greater importance to subjects related to science and ignore subjects such as drama and literature. Is this a positive or a negative development?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    It is becoming increasingly common for schools across the globe to concentrate on STEM
    (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) to the detriment of the humanities. I believe that
    it is a logically motivated decision and overall leaves a negative trend on people. In the next few
    paragraphs, I will be highlighting my point of view.

    One of the negative aspects of this scenario is that STEM-oriented fields get overvalued.
    This enhances pressure on those who are looking forward to developing a career in a
    completely different domain. Moreover, this over-emphasis on science, somehow, translates
    less art in the world. It is evident that from a rigidly utilitarian perception, resources must get
    allocated to a field that has the most economic value.

    However, life is way more than somebody’s potential of earning a higher amount. If the
    proportion of those excelling in humanities falls, the world will have fewer musicians, writers,
    filmmakers, sculptors, painters, and other such artists. Science can, undoubtedly, create a
    convenient life. But art helps people lead a fulfilling, satisfying life. The results of such a decline
    may not be apparent for generations, but if the funding gets slashed for arts programs, the
    world will turn culturally poor and will die down under the burden of technology.

    While STEM subjects, undoubtedly, allow people to grab high-paying jobs, concentrating
    completely on these subjects could be a great loss to society.

    In conclusion, the jobs available for science majors explain their dominance but if looked at
    from a universal point of view, this trend will create a world devoid of great artists. Therefore, it
    is important to balance the funding.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    • Do you agree that educational institutions give greater importance to subjects related to
    science and ignore subjects such as drama and literature?


    · Do you disagree with the fact that educational institutions give greater importance to
    subjects related to science and ignore subjects such as drama and literature?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – It is becoming increasingly common for schools across the globe to
    concentrate on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to the detriment of the

    Opinion – I believe that it is a logically motivated decision and overall leaves a negative trend on

    A thesis statement – In the next few paragraphs, I will be highlighting my point of view.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: The negative effects

    Supporting points:

    • Jobs getting overvalued
    • Puts more pressure on those with a different career path
    • Less art in the world

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Overemphasis on science translates less art in the world

    Supporting points:

    • Life is more than the potential of earning high
    • Art helps people lead a fulfilling life


    Reiterating that the jobs available for science majors explain their dominance but if looked at
    from a universal point of view, this trend will create a world devoid of great artists and support
    the side was taken in the introduction.

    Sample Answer 2 : Band 9

    It is becoming increasingly common for schools around the world to emphasize STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) to the detriment of the humanities. This is a logically motivated decision and is negative overall.

    The main reason for this shift is a realization of the value of jobs in scientific fields. New inventions and medicines push forward human progress and generate billions of dollars in revenue across a wide spectrum of industries. It, therefore, follows there are high-paying jobs available in private and public sectors for engineers, researchers, scientists, and mathematicians. At the very least, someone who majors in a STEM-related subject will be able to find a quality teaching position. This guarantees of a minimum level of success and the possibility of a much greater career motivate parents, institutions, and students themselves to prioritize and pursue scientific careers.

    This over-emphasis on science will translate to less art in the world. It is true that from a strictly utilitarian point of view, resources ought to be allocated to fields with the most economic value. Life is, however, more than the sum of everyone’s earning potential. If the proportion of humanities majors falls, there will be fewer painters, sculptors, filmmakers, writers, and musicians. Science may create modern conveniences but the arts are more important for a fulfilling and enjoyable life. The results of this decline might not become apparent for generations, but if funding is slashed for arts programs, the world will become culturally poorer and the art that has enriched and elevated humanity will give way to a tranquil, technocratic future.

    In conclusion, the jobs available to science majors explain their dominance but taken as a whole this trend will result in a world bereft of great artists. It is therefore important to balance funding to a defensible degree.


    Analysis & Vocab


    1. It is becoming increasingly common for schools around the world to emphasize STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) to the detriment of the humanities. 2. This is a logically motivated decision and is negative overall.

    1. Paraphrase the overall essay.
    2. Answer each question directly. Read more about introductions here.


    1. The main reason for this shift is a realization of the value of jobs in scientific fields. 2. New inventions and medicines push forward human progress and generate billions of dollars in revenue across a wide spectrum of industries. 3. It, therefore, follows there are high-paying jobs available in the private and public sectors for engineers, researchers, scientists, and mathematicians. 4. At the very least, someone who majors in a STEM-related subject will be able to find a quality teaching position. 5. This guarantees of a minimum level of success and the possibility of a much greater career motivate parents, institutions, and students themselves to prioritize and pursue scientific careers.

    1. Write a clear topic sentence with your main idea at the end.
    2. Explain your main idea.
    3. Develop it.
    4. Continue to develop the same main idea.
    5. State the furthest possible result.


    1. This over-emphasis on science will translate to less art in the world. 2. It is true that from a strictly utilitarian point of view, resources ought to be allocated to fields with the most economic value. 3. Life is, however, more than the sum of everyone’s earning potential. 4. If the proportion of humanities majors falls, there will be fewer painters, sculptors, filmmakers, writers, and musicians. 5. Science may create modern conveniences but the arts are more important for a fulfilling and enjoyable life. 6. The results of this decline might not become apparent for generations, but if funding is slashed for arts programs, the world will become culturally poorer and the art that has enriched and elevated humanity will give way to a tranquil, technocratic future.

    1. Write a new topic sentence with another main idea at the end.
    2. Explain your new main idea.
    3. State any exceptions.
    4. Develop your main idea with specific instances.
    5. Continue developing.
    6. Very long and short sentences.


    1. In conclusion, the jobs available to science majors explain their dominance but taken as a whole this trend will result in a world bereft of great artists. 2. It is therefore important to balance funding to a defensible degree.

    1. Repeat your answers and summarise your ideas.
    2. Add a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.



    What do the words in bold below mean?

    It is becoming increasingly common for schools around the world to emphasize STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) to the detriment of the humanities. This is a logically motivated decision and is negative overall.

    The main reason for this shift is a realization of the value of jobs in scientific fields. New inventions and medicines push forward human progress and generate billions of dollars in revenue across a wide spectrum of industries. It, therefore, follows there are high-paying jobs available in private and public sectors for engineers, researchers, scientists, and mathematicians. At the very least, someone who majors in a STEM-related subject will be able to find a quality teaching position. This guarantees of a minimum level of success and the possibility of a much greater career motivate parents, institutions, and students themselves to prioritize and pursue scientific careers.

    This over-emphasis on science will translate to less art in the world. It is true that from a strictly utilitarian point of view, resources ought to be allocated to fields with the most economic value. Life is, however, more than the sum of everyone’s earning potential. If the proportion of humanities majors falls, there will be fewer painters, sculptors, filmmakers, writers, and musicians. Science may create modern conveniences but the arts are more important for a fulfilling and enjoyable life. The results of this decline might not become apparent for generations, but if funding is slashed for arts programs, the world will become culturally poorer and the art that has enriched and elevated humanity will give way to a tranquiltechnocratic future.

    In conclusion, the jobs available to science majors explain their dominance but taken as a whole this trend will result in a world bereft of great artists. It is therefore important to balance funding to a defensible degree.



    increasingly common ubiquitous

    emphasize focus on

    to the detriment of hurting

    humanities arts

    logically motivated decision makes sense

    main reason chief justification

    shift change

    realization know

    value importance

    scientific fields engineering, chemistry, math, etc.

    push forward drive

    human progress advances in civilization

    generate make

    revenue money

    across a wide spectrum of industries in many fields

    follows naturally, logically

    high-paying jobs available jobs with good salaries

    private and public sectors companies and governments

    at the very least at the minimum

    majors fields to study

    STEM-related subject related to science, technology, engineering, and math

    quality teaching position good job as a teacher

    guarantees makes sure of

    minimum level lowest amount

    possibility chance

    much greater career better job

    motivates encourages

    institutions schools

    prioritize focus on

    pursue scientific careers get a job in science

    over-emphasis focus too much on

    translate to means

    strictly utilitarian point of view only caring about the end value of

    allocated to given to

    most economic value helps make the most money

    sum total

    earning potential how much money you can make

    proportion ratio

    modern conveniences phones, computers, TVs, etc.

    fulfilling satisfying

    decline decrease

    apparent appears to be

    generations many years

    funding money, resources

    slashed cut

    culturally poorer weak in terms of the arts

    enriched made stronger

    elevated lifted up

    give way sacrifice for

    tranquil calm

    technocratic future controlled by technology, efficiency

    jobs available to jobs you can get

    explain justify

    dominance being in control

    taken as a whole overall

    trend pattern

    result in consequence

    bereft lacking

    balance funding give equal resources

    defensible degree justifiable extent


    Listening Practice

    Learn more about a project related to this from Bard College and use these ideas to practice:



    Reading Practice

    Read more about this topic from a review about a TV show here and practice with the following reading activities:


    Speaking Practice

    Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:


    1. Do you like science?
    2. Did you learn about science in primary school?
    3. How often do you read about science?
    4. Why is science important to learn about?

    Writing Practice

    Write about this related topic and check with my sample answer below:

    The government should lower the budget on the arts in order to allocate more money to education.

    To what extent do you agree?

    IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Arts & Education Funding (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test) – Upcoming

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 9

    Education plays a pivotal role in molding one’s life. However, numerous schools and universities give more weightage to science subjects in this contemporary epoch than recreational activities. This essay asserts that it is undoubtedly negative growth and should be given equal importance to drama and literature.

    First and foremost, subjects other than science are essential for the overall development of students. For example, while studying physics, chemistry, biology helps pupils excel in academics, drama and literature bring out the hidden talents of an individual. On the other hand, if education institutions focus more on science-related topics, students might get bored and eventually lose interest. Also, recreational activities boost a person’s creativity. Moreover, it is a great tool to express thought for the welfare of society. Hence, it certainly plays a crucial role in forming pupils’ lives.

    On the flip side, several educational bodies are of the thought that emphasizes solely only science. They argue that imparting this knowledge will help pupils have better job opportunities and proper career growth. However, it is not valid for every person. For instance, many children are exceptionally good at arts, and if given a chance, they might become experts in this domain. Furthermore, they would become more responsible and dutiful citizens when they grow up.

    In conclusion, although science is of paramount importance because of its tangible benefits, recreational activities are unquestionably prominent factors to imbibe personality traits such as kindness, compassion, empathy, and sympathy. Nevertheless, it seems that academia should adopt a balanced approach by rendering quality weightage to science and literature alike.


    Sample Answer 4 : Band 8.0

    Education has always been the center of attention throughout the passing centuries. it is often believed that the STEM subject is the essence of developing a solid and modernized curriculum. Therefore, literature and arts are more likely to be neglected by most educational schools. This essay will discuss the reason for this trend and how these scientific courses have more advantages than literary texts.

    The advancement of technologies has brought attention to the courses related to science. Without these subjects, it would be impossible to invent all of the cutting-edge products that have an immense influence on the life of a human. In other words, the development of medical and economical structures has saved millions of people’s lives and enhanced their lifestyle because of the heavy investment of the STEM system. Another drive for this trend, there are more job positions related to the scientific stream because it is believed that they acted as a safeguard for building a better future. Therefore, most parents and students are motivated to concentrate on having a career linked directly to these courses. For these reasons, scientific education plays a key role in instilling the beliefs of its significance.

    This direction has pushed the public away from the beauty and importance of the arts. This literature has firmly shaped the identity of people; as result, it is an important component of building a stable community. In other words, without the discovery of historical tracks; humans would never be able to understand how their predecessors were working and living their lives. In addition, all type of arts has always been considered as entertainment that has helped people to enjoy their time. Being focused on scientific information would have made the life of people more boring and depressed because arts have a vital role in connecting them together intrinsically.

    To sum up, Although scientific papers have gained popularity over other artistic subjects works, it has negative consequences on the way how people are connected to their past and present.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 8.0

    In the present-day world, it is reckoned education is so paramount that one’s destiny is by and large determined by its success or failure. Nonetheless, the curriculum and its major contents are still a bone of contention. Despite the educational enthusiasts’ outcry and outrage, the officials at the helm have not paid heed to their passionate plea to modify the syllabus. The rationale behind their appeal is that a number of educational establishments show a chronic bias towards science at the expense of art, drama, and literature. Although it is opined that several scholars are categorically convinced science is the need of the hour, a relatively tiny minority voices their stiff opposition to the contention of this bevy of narrow-minded theoreticians. Hence, a comprehensive analytic approach can resolve a great many apprehensions related to the subject under discussion.

    To the best of my knowledge, numerous famous personages who are indoctrinated with prejudices against art subjects often shy away from supporting the earnest endeavors of the educational institutions that prefer subjects such as drama and literature. As a matter of fact, the inexplicable apathy expressed by these VIPs has catastrophic repercussions in the running of such colleges and universities; in the long run, these institutions incur a hefty financial loss. The unprecedented decline in the number of students due to the dearth of collaboration of a section of teaching faculty has made the administration of these academies think twice before they cater to the art stream.

    In the aftermath of the overwhelming financial loss, the solitary viable alternative that is open before the educational institutions are to focus on science and other allied subjects. For the past few decades, what has been drummed into the people at the apex of educational organizations is to shun art subjects and accept science and technology, which are the most sought-after branches. To prove their point, they further articulate that this era belongs to high-fliers, whose sole interest is to pursue their pet subjects such as science, IT et cetera. While cutting a long story short, it can be summed up that the intense passion of young adults for science stream, the discriminatory attitude of a good number of dons at the tertiary level, and the inane inertia of the officialdom in the educational department are all contributory causes for this sad state of affairs.

    Notwithstanding the superficial official blessing from many eminent quarters, it is pointed out that the current trend in favor of only science is, of course, suicidal. It is high time the educationalists think from a much broader perspective. Without any iota of doubt, it is scientifically proven that the influence of literature, drama, and music is immensely cardinal to help enhance the complete growth of an individual. Over and above that, George Bernard Shaw, Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, and a multitude of other playwrights, philosophers, poets, and essayists take the view that ingenuity, humaneness, profound knowledge about life’s stark realities, and so on and so forth are all fostered with the study of art subjects. All these conclusive pieces of evidence lead one to arrive at the last word: emphasizing excessively the significance of science subjects and undermining the value of drama and literature will create chaos in the society, which is undoubtedly a negative development.

    Whilst recapitulating, the following salient points are to be underscored. First and foremost, unless remedial measures are adopted by experts to do away with inhibition towards the policies and programs of educational institutions that support the art stream, the future of our younger generation will be in jeopardy. Then, instead of unilateral decisions, let there be more meaningful and transparent dialogues and discourses between the educational establishments and the student community, who are generally on the receiving end.


  • Studies show that crime rates are lower among those with educational degrees. Therefore, the best way to reduce the crime rate is to educate criminals while they are still in prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    Undoubtedly, lack of education and employment opportunities are two of the primary causes
    behind the alarmingly increasing crime rates. Therefore, some people believe that merely
    educating criminals can discourage them from committing further crimes once they are out of
    prison. In my opinion, I believe it is true, and I agree with this view. In the forthcoming
    paragraphs, I will be explaining my views.

    As they say, nobody is a born criminal. Most of the time, people become victims of their
    situations, turning toward this wrong path. In fact, most of the people have poor strata as their
    backgrounds; hence, they don’t get to have proper education. This results in lesser employment
    opportunities as well. Eventually, many of them turn into gangsters or thieves. In contrast, such
    criminal tendencies can be seen lower in those who are educated.

    Educating convicted criminals in prison will certainly not erase their shoddy past. However, it
    improves their chances of finding employment once they get released. One of the biggest
    problems that ex-prisoners face is the lack of rehabilitation opportunities. Society prefers to
    keep them at arm’s length, and as such, they have fewer opportunities for making a living once
    they complete their sentence. Unfortunately, this increases their chances of getting into crime
    again. Education may change the situation for good. If prisoners receive an opportunity to learn
    and acquire vocational or academic degrees from prison, they are more likely to find
    employment upon their release. When they have a secure job and a means of living, most
    people will not want to get into crime again.

    However, in a way, it might also be true that mentality plays an essential role in the behavior
    of a person; education is one such thing that leaves a significant impression behind.

    To conclude, education improves a person’s employability. Just because someone is a prisoner,
    it does not mean that they cannot learn or acquire degrees. In fact, educating prisoners is one
    of the best things we can do for their rehabilitation and successful induction into the society.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    • Do you agree that to reduce the crime rate, it is better to educate criminals while they
    are still in prison?


    · Do you disagree with the fact that to reduce the crime rate, it is better to educate
    criminals while they are still in prison?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Lack of education and employment opportunities are two of the
    primary causes behind the alarmingly increasing crime rates.

    Opinion -In my opinion, I believe it is true and I agree with this view.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will be explaining my views.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Nobody is a born criminal

    Supporting points:

    • People become victims of their situations
    • People have poor strata as their backgrounds
    • They don’t get to have proper education
    • Results in lesser employment opportunities

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Educating convicted criminals will improve their chances of finding employment

    Supporting points:

    • Lack of rehabilitation opportunities
    • Fewer opportunities for making a living once they complete their sentence
    • Education can change the situation
    • Receiving vocational and academic degrees from prison increases the chances of


    Reiterated that education improves a person’s employability and supported the side taken in

    Sample Answer 2 : Band 9

    Researchers show that criminal activities are low when pupils have academic degrees. The effective way to reduce crime is to educate criminals while they are still in the prison house, however, In my opinion, educating people always do better in their personal and social lives.

    To begin with, education can change prisoners’ minds positively and help them to build up their careers when they could go outside. Consequently, if offenders have an opportunity to learn in jail, they may prepare themselves for future livelihood. For example, due to educational qualification, after jail, they would not go for crime, searching a job, and education can help them to find any other jobs; prisoners no need to crime again. Finally, every person may lead to a better lifestyle, when prisoners do know how to earn money in a good way then they could not have the interest to do any crime.

    On the other hand, in prison, education may favor connecting with society and achieving social value. Moreover, prisoners make themselves good and honest people when they have instructional knowledge. As a result, they do not involve offence, and it happens positive outcomes in society. Hense, crime decreases, and people stay to continue a happier and safe life; remove Cohiba against criminals, make themselves sociable. Such as, community people always want to go outside when they have no fear and it is common in most of the cities in today’s world.

    To conclude, educational level diminish crime from the prison when they are in jail. I feel that offenders need social value and personal strength, and only education can do ideal results. For those who have educational degrees, the crimes ratio is lower in the researcher’s experiment. if the crime has gone from society, it makes people blessed.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 9

    Investigations indicate a lower percentage of committing various crimes if the target society has is highly literate. Thus, some have concluded that providing prisoners in jail, would result in decreasing illegal activities. In this essay, I will argue some justifications regarding my point of view towards this statement.

    It is true that lack of literacy raises the probability of crime figures in society. To elucidate, we can consider young people who do not have the opportunity to go to college. This group is less likely to be recruited in higher-ranked job positions and they may start their careers with the minimum earnings. As a result, they may not be able to address their least necessities such as enough food, vegetables, fruit, and dairy, or even a decent shelter and a vehicle. These all lead to criminal motives which entail an unsafe environment.

    However, these arguments are all related to the prevention of crimes including stealth, shoplifting, mugging, etc. If the government hopes to decrease the scale of theft, more measures must be taken than persuading thieves into continuing their education. By limiting our actions to merely this solution, I do not reckon the illegal amount will change. In my opinion, If authorities seek a real change in the growth of legal deviations, they require to invest in raising the education of the youngster before they even consider earning money in any way other than its right path. In addition, people need to notice the change in the standard of discrimination regarding both education and dispersing a government’s budget.

    In conclusion, motivating prisoners to study at further levels is a method for avoiding them to re-offend, but I do believe this approach would not be an ample solution for preventing more people from involving misdeed.

    Sample Answer 4 : Band 8.0

    Studies have / research has shown that educated people are less likely to commit crimes. Hence, some people opine that educating convicted criminals while they are still in jail is the best way to lower the crime rate in society. I do not quite agree with this view. There is certainly no harm in educating prisoners, but chances of this measure reducing the crime rate are not particularly high.

    Education certainly reforms people and reduces their chances of committing crimes. This is mainly because educated people are more likely to find employment. Consequently, they do not have to commit crimes to earn money. Poverty is the number one cause of crime all over the world. If people can earn enough in legitimate ways, they will not want to break the law. Since education makes this possible, crime rates tend to be low in educated societies.

    On the other hand, providing education alone is unlikely to prevent a convicted criminal from reoffending. Once they are out of prison, they need a means of living. If they received education in prison, in theory, it would be easier for them to find employment. This, unfortunately, is not the case in the real world. People will continue to look down upon ex-prisoner regardless of whether or not they received education in prison. Most employers will not want to hire them even if they possess the required skills. This will actually make the ex-convicts feel worse and may even encourage them to commit more crimes in the future. Hence, in my opinion, providing education to prisoners will help only if the government also has another scheme to rehabilitate them. If prisoners can find a job after completing their sentence, many of them will not want to take to crimes again. In the absence of this rehabilitation option, they may offend again and again.

    In conclusion, educating prisoners will help reduce the crime rate only if they can find suitable employment after their jail term. In the absence of a viable rehabilitation scheme for ex-inmates, education will have no real bearing on their tendency to re-offend.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 8.0

    Projecting the study results that educational degrees can dwindle the rate of crimes, there are some who feel that educating prison inmates is the best way to bring down the same in society. I definitely think this is a progressive step, but can hardly agree that it is the best way.

    The prime reason behind my view is because of the fact that education throws the light of righteousness among people, whoever it may be and wherever they are. To be precise, there are a plethora of people, who indulge in crime just because they are ill-educated, and many of these are sentenced at some point and end up in detainment centers. One should understand the fact that prisons are the universities of crime, and so these people are highly vulnerable to such anti-social elements in jails. If they are given formal education at this point, they would become productive citizens once they are out of confinement.

    However, I feel there are better ways to cut down the crime rate. One such measure is the psychological treatment that the criminals should receive. For example, it is better to understand the underlying reason behind every crime and to give therapies like counseling or behavior modification measures, and this would bring down the number of habitual criminals in society to a great extent. A far better way is to enhance the educational status in the society, focusing the moral values and acceptable social norms. I feel this preventive measure would fetch more positive results instead of either educating or treating the criminals once they land up in prisons.

    To conclude, though providing criminals with good educational status at prison definitely prove advantageous, I do feel there are better ways to reduce the rate of crime.

    Sample Answer 6 with Analysis: Band 9.0

    Research has shown that educational level is a key determiner of potentially criminal behavior, leading many to suggest reorienting prisons to focus on helping inmates earn degrees. In my opinion, this approach would be ineffective relative to other measures.

    Reformers point to the bulk of studies supporting this practice. The last 50 years have witnessed a growth in prison programs funded by federal governments and private activists aiding prisoners earning either a high school or university degree. Tracking those who are released with a degree compared to those without has shown a marked decrease in re-offenders among the former group. The reasons for this are self-evidently related to the better jobs available for individuals with diplomas. This tangible effect is heartening as prisons should ideally serve to rehabilitate convicts for civilian life and not simply punish them for past transgressions while limiting their future career options to more criminal activity.

    However, the efficacy of prison education is limited compared to improved education for underprivileged segments of society. The research on education while incarcerated is dwarfed by studies on the primacy of education before the onset of criminal activity. A good example of this would be the persistently high crime rates among inner-city youth who do not have access to good public schools. Those who fail to graduate from high school have drastically higher rates of later criminality ranging from burglary to robbery to violent crimes. If a student is supported in their studies, they have no need to turn to crime later in life to make ends meet. Once a convicted felon, even for the rare individuals who earn a degree, it is difficult to find good work later.

    In conclusion, the unequivocal benefits of prison education reform do not justify its priority over more impactful educational measures. There should be a degree of balance but the most efficient solution should invariably receive the most resources.


    1. Research has shown that educational level is a key determiner of potential criminal behaviour, leading many to suggest reorienting prisons to focus on helping inmates earn degrees. 2. In my opinion, this approach would be ineffective relative to other measures.

    1. Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
    2. Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.


    1. Reformers point to the bulk of studies supporting this practice. 2. The last 50 years have witnessed a growth in prison programs funded by federal governments and private activists aiding prisoners earning either a high school or university degree. 3. Tracking those who are released with a degree compared to those without has shown a marked decrease in re-offenders among the former group. 4. The reasons for this are self-evidently related to the better jobs available for individuals with diplomas. 5. This tangible effect is heartening as prisons should ideally serve to rehabilitate convicts for civilian life and not simply punish them for past transgressions while limiting their future career options to more criminal activity.

    1. Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
    2. Explain your main idea.
    3. Develop it.
    4. State the results.
    5. Finish with the furthest possible results.


    1. However, the efficacy of prison education is limited compared to improved education for underprivileged segments of society. 2. The research on education while incarcerated is dwarfed by studies on the primacy of education before the onset of criminal activity. 3. A good example of this would be the persistently high crime rates among inner-city youth who do not have access to good public schools. 4. Those who fail to graduate from high school have drastically higher rates of later criminality ranging from burglary to robbery to violent crimes. 5. If a student is supported in their studies, they have no need to turn to crime later in life to make ends meet. 6. Once a convicted felon, even for the rare individuals who earn a degree, it is difficult to find good work later.

    1. Write another topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
    2. Explain your new main idea.
    3. Give a specific example.
    4. Develop the example.
    5. Continue with the same example and main idea.
    6. Conclude with a strong statement.

    1. In conclusion, the unequivocal benefits of prison education reform do not justify its priority over more impactful educational measures. 2. There should be a degree of balance but the most efficient solution should invariably receive the most resources.

    1. Repeat your opinion and summarise your main ideas.
    2. Add a final thought/detail. Learn more about how to write your conclusion here.



    What do the words in bold below mean?

    Research has shown that educational level is a key determiner of potentially criminal behaviorleading many to suggest reorienting prisons to focus on helping inmates earn degrees. In my opinion, this approach would be ineffective relative to other measures.

    Reformers point to the bulk of studies supporting this practice. The last 50 years have witnessed a growth in prison programs funded by federal governments and private activists aiding prisoners earning either a high school or university degree. Tracking those who are released with a degree compared to those without has shown a marked decrease in re-offenders among the former group. The reasons for this are self-evidently related to the better jobs available for individuals with diplomas. This tangible effect is heartening as prisons should ideally serve to rehabilitate convicts for civilian life and not simply punish them for past transgressions while limiting their future career options to more criminal activity.

    However, the efficacy of prison education is limited compared to improved education for underprivileged segments of society. The research on education while incarcerated is dwarfed by studies on the primacy of education before the onset of criminal activity. A good example of this would be the persistently high crime rates among inner-city youth who do not have access to good public schools. Those who fail to graduate from high school have drastically higher rates of later criminality ranging from burglary to robbery to violent crimes. If a student is supported in their studies, they have no need to turn to crime later in life to make ends meet. Once a convicted felon, even for the rare individuals who earn a degree, it is difficult to find good work later.

    In conclusion, the unequivocal benefits of prison education reform do not justify its priority over more impactful educational measures. There should be a degree of balance but the most efficient solution should invariably receive the most resources.



    educational level how much you have studied, your degrees

    key determiner crucial element

    potential criminal behavior possible criminal actions

    leading making

    suggest advise

    reorienting prisons changing the direction of incarceration

    inmates people in prison

    degrees certificates

    ineffective relative to not as useful compared to

    measures actions

    reformers people who want to make changes

    bulk of studies majority of research

    practice institution, way of doing things

    witnessed has seen

    prison programs jail reforms

    funded by given money by

    federal governments the national government

    private activists not the government, individuals

    aiding helping

    tracking following

    released let out

    marked decrease clear fall

    re-offenders among the former group people who commit crimes again in the first-mentioned group

    self-evidently obviously

    diplomas certificates

    tangible effect clear impact

    heartening gives you hope

    ideally serve to in a perfect world works to

    rehabilitate convicts fix prisoners

    civilian life living among normal society

    punish hurt

    past transgressions mistakes in the past

    limiting their future career options not many job opportunities

    criminal activity bad behavior

    efficacy how well it works

    limited contained

    improved education better schools

    underprivileged segments of society poorer groups of people

    incarcerated in prison/jail

    dwarfed made lesser

    primacy importance

    onset beginning

    persistently high crime rates always committing a lot of crimes

    inner city youth kids living in the city

    access to good public schools can go to good government schools

    fail to graduate do not get out of high school

    drastically higher rates clearly more of them

    later criminality ranging from … to … to after that commit crimes including

    later in life when they’re older

    make ends meet make enough money

    convicted felon incarcerated individual

    rare not common

    unequivocal benefits clear advantages

    priority more important

    impactful educational measures effectual policies related to education

    a degree of balance some equality

    efficient solution cost-effective remedy

    invariably always

    resources money, time, etc.


    Listening Practice

    Learn more about a project related to this from Bard College and use these ideas to practice:



    Reading Practice

    Read more about this topic from a review about a TV show here and practice with the following reading activities:


    Speaking Practice

    Answer the following questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:

    Truth in Crime

    1. Why do witnesses of crimes sometimes disagree in their accounts?
    2. How can modern technology help solve crimes?
    3. Will teaching children, to be honest, reduce crime in the future?
    4. Should there be more severe penalties for crimes like libel?
    5. How will the detection of lies change in the future?

    Writing Practice

    Write about the related topic below and then check with my sample answer:

    The most common solution for criminal behavior is a prison but many believe education is a better method.

    To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Education and Crime (Real Test) – Upcoming


  • Some countries invest in specialized sports facilities for top athletes but not for the average person. Is this a positive or a negative development?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    A certain number of nations allocate funds for professional athletic facilities, which are
    available only for first-class sportspeople, but not for ordinary citizens. In my opinion, it is
    rather an unfavorable development than a positive one. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will be
    explaining my point of view in detail.

    First, the government should take care of the health and physical development of all citizens
    and not only sports elites. This is because every working citizen pays taxes and should have
    equal rights for social amenities, including specialized sports centres. Thus, funding of special-
    purpose sports facilities might be considered social inequality, especially if they were not
    available for a regular person. For example, when I had decided to start jogging, I was
    completely frustrated by the fact that a running ring with an excellent soft covering was not
    allowed for training if a person was not a member of the national team.

    Some people might argue that top athletes should have priority because they represent a
    country on the world stage. Despite the fact that international competitions and the reputation
    of the country are important, investing in professionals’ needs only does not pay off in the long
    term because the construction and maintenance of sports halls are highly expensive.
    Meanwhile, modern society has other crucial issues, which are in need of funds, such as the
    health care system, city infrastructure, and environmental issues.

    While I understand how important it is to equip top athletes to help them perform better,
    investing every single penny on them is not acceptable.

    In conclusion, I think that the latest tendency among certain governments to invest in sports
    facilities for superior sportspersons leaving average people behind is a negative trend because
    every citizen should have equal rights. Moreover, in terms of revenue from international
    events, funding these elite sport objects is not profitable.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    • Do you agree that the countries should invest in specialized sports facilities for top
    athletes and not for the average person?


    · Do you disagree with the fact that countries should invest in specialized sports facilities
    for top athletes but for the average person too?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – A certain number of nations allocate funds for professional athletic
    facilities, which are available only for first-class sportspeople, but not for ordinary citizens.

    Opinion – In my opinion, it is rather an unfavorable development than a positive one.

    A thesis statement – In the upcoming paragraphs, I will be explaining my point of view in

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Health and physical development of all citizens

    Supporting points:

    • Government should take care of the health and physical development
    • Working citizens pay taxes
    • Funding of special-purpose sports facilities could be social inequality

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Investing in professionals’ needs may not pay off in the long run

    Supporting points:

    • Construction and maintenance of sports halls are expensive
    • Modern society has other crucial issues


    Reiterated that the latest tendency among certain governments to invest in sports facilities for
    superior sportspersons leaving average people behind is a negative trend and supported the
    side taken in introduction.

    Sample Answer 2 : Band 9

    Heavy investment in sports facilities aimed at professional athletes is common in countries that want to compete in international events. This is a positive development for national pride but negative on the whole as it takes funding away from the average citizen.

    Proponents of this practice would argue that it brings the nation together. The best examples of this relate to international competitions like the summer and winter Olympics. China and the United States have famously invested millions in building sports facilities for prospective Olympians and the results in terms of medals justify the expenditure. The wider implications for national unity come from an entire country watching the telecasts and rooting together. Divisive domestic disputes are temporarily forgotten as everyone focuses on the progress of their country. Much of this would be impossible without specialized sports facilities for the best competitors.

    However, these facilities benefit a select few over the majority. Funding for such facilities is a limited part of a federal budget that must cover essential areas like health, education, and the military. Any money diverted towards preparing world-class athletes for international competitions is to some extent a waste as it cuts into the budget for facilities for average people. For example, many inner city youths in poorer neighborhoods lack access to parks and such facilities and this has been identified as one of the factors that allows for poverty to be inherited over generations. Direct the funding away from these expensive gyms for top athletes and it would be possible to build many more facilities that serve a much wider and underserved segment of the population.

    In conclusion, despite the less tangible benefits to national cohesiveness, this a negative on level as it favors a talented minority. More resources should be allocated towards facilities for those in greater need.



    • heavy investment a lot of money put into
    • aimed at for
    • compete in international events the Olympics, World Cup, etc.
    • national pride caring about your country
    • negative on the whole bad on level
    • takes funding away from diverts money from
    • average citizen normal person
    • proponents advocates
    • practice development
    • brings the nation together unifies the country
    • international competitions Olympics, World Cup, etc.
    • summer and winter Olympics held every 4 years either in the summer or winter
    • famously invested millions well-known put lots of money into
    • prospective Olympians potential Olympic athletes
    • justify the expenditure good reason for the money
    • wider implications larger effects
    • national unity bringing a country together
    • entire country whole nation
    • telecasts TV broadcasts
    • rooting wanting to win
    • divisive domestic disputes dividing arguments in a country
    • temporarily not permanent
    • focuses on directed towards
    • progress moving forward
    • much of this a lot of
    • specialised sports facilities just for doing sports
    • best competitors strongest athletes
    • a select few some of
    • majority most of
    • limited part small piece of
    • federal budget money the government has to spend
    • cover essential areas have money for important parts
    • diverted towards sent in the direction of
    • world-class athletes best sports people
    • to some extent to a degree
    • waste not used well
    • cuts into takes away from
    • inner city youths kids living in the city
    • lack access can’t go to
    • identified pinpointed
    • one of the factors one element
    • poverty to be inherited over generations families staying poor over time
    • direct send towards
    • wider broader
    • underserved don’t get enough
    • less tangible benefits not as concrete advantages
    • national cohesiveness brings a country together
    • on level overall
    • favours benefits
    • talented minority just some people with a lot of ability
    • resources money, time, etc.
    • allocated sent to
    • greater need more important for

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 9

    A  number of nations allocate (to give an amount of time, money, etc. to someone or something) funds for professional athletic facilities, which are available only for first-class sportspeople, but not for ordinary citizens. In my opinion, it is rather an unfavorable (having a negative opinion) development than a positive one. In the upcoming paragraphs, I will be explaining my point of view in detail.

    First, the government should take care of the health and physical development of all citizens and not only sports elites (the richest, most powerful, or best-trained group in a society). This is because every working citizen pays taxes and should have equal rights for social amenities (something that makes it enjoyable or comfortable to live or work somewhere), including specialized sports centres. Thus, funding of special­ purpose sports facilities might be considered social inequality, especially if they were not available for a regular person. For example, when I had decided to start jogging, I was completely frustrated by the fact that a running ring with an excellent soft covering was not allowed for training if a person was not a member of the national team.

    Some people argue that top athletes should have top priority because they represent a country. Despite the fact that international competitions are of great importance (=important), investing in professionals’ needs only does not pay off (brings you some benefit) in the long term because the construction and maintenance of sports halls are highly expensive. Meanwhile, modern society has other crucial issues, which are in need of funds, such as the health care system, city infrastructure( systems within a place which affects how well it operates), and environmental issues.

    In conclusion, I think that the latest tendency among certain governments to invest in sports facilities for superior sportspersons leaving average people behind is a negative trend because every citizen should have equal rights. Moreover, in terms of revenue from international events, funding these elite sport objects is not profitable.

    Sample Answer 4 : Band 8.0

    There is a rising tendency that government sports funding is spent on facilities for professional sportsmen rather than for public sports. While I agree that this policy brings some substantial benefits, I am convinced that negative aspects of this trend is more significant.

    On the one hand, investment in specialized sports facilities for top athletes may lead to considerable successes. It is obvious that when sportsmen have a chance to practice in better conditions, with modern sports equipment, they tend to reach their full potential and achieve high records. Therefore, they can produce spectacular results in international competitions and gain great respect for their country. Take China as an example. Instead of allocating funds for public sports centers, the Chinese government spends a large amount of money on professional sports. This policy shows a very positive outcome with China often remaining high in standings in Olympics Games.

    On the downside, I believe that the drawbacks of insufficient financial resources for public sports facilities should not be overlooked. At its simplest, public health may deteriorate. The fact that only a small amount of money is spent for public sports would result in the shortage of fitness centers and an increase in the expense to join sports clubs. As a result, not many people can engage in sports activities regularly, which will cause damage to their health. Another negative impact would be that it seems to be hard to unearth sports potential because only a small number of people take part in sports activities

    In conclusion, it is my opinion that the neglect of investing in public sports centers has both advantages and disadvantages, but the adverse features of this policy are likely more important


  • Some think the current generation should take steps to protect the environment for the next generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    Currently, a majority of people are of the opinion that the youngsters should take some
    considerable measures to protect the environment for future generations. I firmly agree with
    this perception as human beings must take responsibility for their actions and have a vision of
    how the future would look for their offspring. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will be
    presenting my views.

    It is evident that environmental issues, in the present scenario, have reached a specific level
    where they cannot be taken for granted anymore. In fact, if no immediate actions are taken to
    counter the threateningly uprising issues of the environment, there is a possibility that the
    upcoming generations may have to experience an ecological catastrophe. Such ecological
    situations will increase the level of diseases and related deaths. Additionally, mammals and
    other species will get impacted along with vegetation. Not to mention – a humongous number
    of plants and animals will be at risk of extinction. Besides, humankind’s survival may turn into a
    huge concern as well.

    Apart from all the reasons mentioned above, the general public and authorities should be
    completely responsible and aware of the consequences of their actions on the environment.
    Everybody must take responsibility for their actions as the upcoming generation should not
    suffer the heritage destruction caused by our irresponsible actions. For instance, if the current
    generation, in pursuit of materialistic pleasure and societal status, destroys the natural habitats
    of animals and leaves the earth polluted, the consequences will not be fair for future citizens.

    While I am aware of the fact that everything is not possible by the current generation and that
    they have got their own issues; nonetheless saving the environment for the upcoming
    generation should be the priority.

    In conclusion, I completely agree that the present-day generation must take actions to protect
    the environment for the forthcoming generations because people are liable for the natural
    heritage that they are going to leave to ensure that their progeny does not suffer from any
    severe ecological issues.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    • Do you agree that the current generation should take steps to protect the environment
    for the next generation?


    · Do you disagree with the fact that the current generation should take steps to protect
    the environment for the next generation?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Currently, a majority of people are of the opinion that the youngsters
    should take some considerable measures to protect the environment for future generations.

    Opinion – I firmly agree with this perception as human beings must take responsibility for their
    actions and have a vision of how the future would look for their offspring.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will be presenting my views.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: The present situation

    Supporting points:

    • Upcoming generation may experience an ecological catastrophe
    • Such ecological situation will increase the diseases and deaths
    • Negative effect on mammals and other species
    • Impact on vegetation, plants and animals

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Present generation should be responsible

    Supporting points:

    • General public and authorities should be responsible and aware of the consequences
    • Everybody must take the responsibility
    • The upcoming generation should not suffer the heritage destruction


    Reiterated that the present-day generation must take actions to protect the environment and
    supported the side taken in introduction.

    Sample Answer 2 : Band 9

    Over the past few decades, there has been an enormous amount of increase in pollution and global temperature. This has grown concerns among people and made them contemplate regarding the future. While some individuals believe that the present generation should undertake measures to preserve and protect the environment for the next generations, others think that it is redundant. I assert the former opinion because it is our responsibility to facilitate a sustainable ecosystem for ourselves and the future. In this essay, we shall elaborate on this topic further.

    Firstly, with the rise in population, there has been a significant increase in its after-effects as well. If these problems are not resolved or reduced over time, it would create a deteriorating condition for us as well as for our next of kin to survive. Hence, we are obliged to do something like our ancestors did for us. For instance, numerous historians have quoted that the previous generations made various sacrifices by going to wars, discovering alternate resources, and inventing new ones so that people in the future could live in peace and serenity. As a result, we ought to the same for the next generation.

    Another reason for this is that it would encourage and influence other people to preserve and protect the environment. Furthermore, it will teach them the value and importance to have a healthy ecosystem, and how it affects people and nature when there are any changes in it; for example, global warming has affected not only human but animals as well. Moreover, as water levels are spiking exponentially, both animals and humans are losing a tremendous amount of land. Consequently, an individual should leave a legacy behind by contributing to the welfare of its people.

    To reiterate, for your tomorrow, they gave their today. Therefore, it is our responsibility to take measures to preserve our planet so that it benefits and inspires them to carry the same legacy.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 9

    Nowadays, mankind must think a lot about global issues and predict them since the younger generation still grows. For instance, this essay would have my own point of view and precision about this statement.

    Firstly, I hope that there are enough people who are addicted to protecting the environment, hence, my vision is completely matched with the ancient years, our world is in danger and deteriorating during our day to day lives. To be honest, there is no lack of committees that protect the environment, but the eye-catching non-sufficient support from humans all over the world. Besides, due to these main factors, the global problems still remain unsolved such as air pollution, extinction of wild animals, deterioration of water amounts and so on.

    Further, that issues will have been still in the discussion if the next generation will get this almost destroyed world as a heritage. Therefore, the only way to provide our children with the best lives is to provide ourselves with a healthy environment. Otherwise, the catastrophic scene would immediately appear. For instance, there are several recommendations to avoid any possible problems in the purpose to state. At the beginning estimate every consumption of fuel and usage of ecological energy.

    To conclude, I would like to paraphrase my opinion as a simple hope that every person will become intelligent in front of the ecology protection. In addition, unlike solving every problem is a feasible task.To conclude, I would like to paraphrase my opinion as a simple hope that every person will become intelligent in front of the ecology protection. In addition, unlike solving every problem is a feasible task.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 8.0

    Environment depletion is one of the most pressing concerns nowadays. Numerous characters deem the present generation should not be concerned about this issue; in contrast, I completely disagree with this statement. In my opinion, the current mass is solely responsible for the environment they are passing on to their immediate generation. This essay will elucidate the supporting arguments substantiating my point of view.

    At the outset, the lack of concern and credibility has lead to serious issues in the environment which cannot be compensated. People tend to misuse the natural resources, and do not bother about the impact. To illustrate, even though the government has put strict regulation for odd and even days for private transport, still people do not follow them, which leads to pollution and degradation in the uality of air. Thus, it is indeed vital for this generation to understand the detrimental effects of playing with nature.

    On the other hand, people are more conscious about there surroundings nowadays and they understand if they do not put a full stop to this situation ,it may lead to negative effects for the future generation. There are many steps undertaken by the mass to compete the alarming situations such as global warming, pollution, and even conservation of natural resources. For instance, public are participating in the plantation campaigns organized by certain NGO’s where they are planting new seeds every month to enhance afforestation. Thus, if all these things were thought before, there would be a chance of a better environment than what we are experiencing currently.

    To recapitulate, although most people are unaware of their responsibilities and they tend to ignore the negative impact they put on environment, I believe if they follow the aforementioned steps they can create better surroundings for their future generation.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 8.5

    Many environmentalists feel that people today have a responsibility to ensure the Earth is left in good condition for future generations. In my opinion, though this duty is unfair, it is nonetheless a burden that must be taken up.

    Those who argue against this sentiment can justly assign blame elsewhere. The main contributors to climate change and the current cataclysmic warnings were the large industrial powers on the 20th century. Automobiles and air travel became common in the last 100 years and are two leading drivers of the fossil fuel consumption many scientists link to global warming. Surging populations and advances in medicine have also contributed greatly to the over-production and mass consumption that defines the 21st century. It is objectively unfair that people today, and primarily the younger generation only now entering the workforce, should have to suffer for the thoughtlessness of wanton industrialization.

    Regardless, it is the responsibility of the present generation to take heed of these potentially dire warnings. People in the past were either intentionally or unintentionally unaware of the repercussions of their actions but individuals today cannot make such excuses. For example, the rapidly deteriorating polar ice caps are directly impacting the natural habitats of animals around the world and some climate scientists believe that an uptick in natural disasters is also related to this and other man-made changes to the ecosystem. Past generations who set the world on this path cannot come back and remedy their mistakes and future generations will resent the current one if steps are not taken towards drastic reforms.

    In conclusion, though people today bear little responsibility for climate change, they must commit to reversing its effects. Leaving this problem for the children of the future will put them in a potentially unwinnable situation.

    Analysis and Vocab


    1. Many environmentalists feel that people today have a responsibility to ensure the Earth is left in good condition for future generations. 2. In my opinion, though this duty is unfair, it is nonetheless a burden that must be taken up.

    1. Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
    2. Write a clear opinion. Read more about writing a band 7+ introduction here.


    1. Those who argue against this sentiment can justly assign blame elsewhere. 2. The main contributors to climate change and the current cataclysmic warnings were the large industrial powers on the 20th century. 3. Automobiles and air travel became common in the last 100 years and are two leading drivers of the fossil fuel consumption many scientists link to global warming. 4. Surging populations and advances in medicine have also contributed greatly to the over-production and mass consumption that defines the 21st century. 5. It is objectively unfair that people today, and primarily the younger generation only now entering the workforce, should have to suffer for the thoughtlessness of wanton industrialization.

    1. Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
    2. Explain your main idea.
    3. Develop it with specific examples.
    4. Add in more specifics.
    5. Conclude by relating it back to your main idea.


    1. Regardless, it is the responsibility of the present generation to take heed of these potentially dire warnings. 2. People in the past were either intentionally or unintentionally unaware of the repercussions of their actions but individuals today cannot make such excuses. 3. For example, the rapidly deteriorating polar ice caps are directly impacting the natural habitats of animals around the world and some climate scientists believe that an uptick in natural disasters is also related to this and other man-made changes to the ecosystem. 4. Past generations who set the world on this path cannot come back and remedy their mistakes and future generations will resent the current one if steps are not taken towards drastic reforms.

    1. Write another topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
    2. Develop your main idea.
    3. Use real examples.
    4. If your sentences are long, it is ok to have just 4 in one paragraph.


    1. In conclusion, though people today bear little responsibility for climate change, they must commit to reversing its effects. 2. Leaving this problem for the children of the future will put them in a potentially unwinnable situation.

    1. Repeat your opinion and summarize both your main ideas.
    2. Add a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.




    What do the words in bold below mean?

    Many environmentalists feel that people today have a responsibility to ensure the Earth is left in good condition for future generations. In my opinion, though this duty is unfair, it is nonetheless burden that must be taken up.

    Those who argue against this sentiment can justly assign blame elsewhere. The main contributors to climate change and the current cataclysmic warnings were the large industrial powers on the 20th century. Automobiles and air travel became common in the last 100 years and are two leading drivers of the fossil fuel consumption many scientists link to global warming. Surging populations and advances in medicine have also contributed greatly to the over-production and mass consumption that defines the 21st century. It is objectively unfair that people today, and primarily the younger generation only now entering the workforce, should have to suffer for the thoughtlessness of wanton industrialisation.

    Regardless, it is the responsibility of the present generation to take heed of these potentially dire warnings. People in the past were either intentionally or unintentionally unaware of the repercussions of their actions but individuals today cannot make such excuses. For example, the rapidly deteriorating polar ice caps are directly impacting the natural habitats of animals around the world and some climate scientists believe that an uptick in natural disasters is also related to this and other man-made changes to the ecosystem. Past generations who set the world on this path cannot come back and remedy their mistakes and future generations will resent the current one if steps are not taken towards drastic reforms.

    In conclusion, though people today bear little responsibility for climate change, they must commit to reversing its effectsLeaving this problem for the children of the future will put them in a potentially unwinnable situation.



    environmentalists people who care about the environment

    responsibility duty

    ensure make sure

    left in good condition remain in good quality

    future generations people who come later

    duty responsibility

    unfair unjust

    nonetheless regardless

    burden duty

    taken up take responsibility for

    argue against object to

    sentiment feeling

    justly assign blame elsewhere correctly find fault with others

    main contributors biggest causes

    climate change global warming

    current cataclysmic warnings dire predictions about the future

    large industrial powers big companies, nations

    20th century 1900 – 2000

    two leading drivers main forces behind

    fossil fuel consumption burning oil

    link connections

    surging populations increasing number of people

    advances in medicine new medical procedures and technology

    contributed greatly add a lot to

    over-production making too much

    mass consumption using too much

    defines constitutes

    objectively unfair definitely not right

    primarily mainly

    entering the workforce getting jobs

    suffer hurt from

    thoughtlessness not thinking about

    wanton industrialization thoughtless expansion of industry

    regardless nonetheless

    present generation people alive today

    take heed consider

    potentially dire warnings possible really bad predictions

    intentionally meaning to do it

    unintentionally unaware not knowing what they were doing

    repercussions effects

    excuses reasons

    rapidly deteriorating polar ice caps icebergs melting quickly

    directly impacting having a clear effect on

    natural habitats where animals live

    uptick increase

    natural disasters hurricans, earthquakes, fires, etc.

    man-made cause by humans

    ecosystem habit

    set the world on this path main cause

    remedy their mistakes fix what they did

    resent be angry about

    current one right now

    steps are not taken no measures enacted

    drastic reforms sweeping changes

    bear little responsibility not their duty

    commit be serious about

    reversing its effects fixing

    leaving this problem ignoring the issue

    children of the future future generations

    potentially unwinnable situation possibly no solution to it



  • In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    Nowadays, the newer generation is more interested in fast food than their native food items.
    This particular adaptation is not just detrimental for families but individuals and societies as
    whole too. I totally agree with this statement as losing interest in the traditional food may
    detach them from their culture. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of

    Undoubtedly, junk foods are regarded as one of the preferred meals of the majority of people.
    However, this type of diet is least suggested by health advisors and dieticians. Also, these food
    products and beverages are liable for a gamut of emerging diseases, obesity being one of them.
    For instance, burgers and pizzas have a humongous amount of fat. Despite being scrumptious,
    they can lead to an increase in weight, resulting in negative impacts on the health.

    Traditional food comprises a balanced amount of vitamins, proteins, and more such essential
    nutrients, which are essential for us to consume and be active and fit. Thus, these types of food
    items keep us away from unwanted diseases and help us be more productive while keeping
    dizziness and lethargy at bay. Not to mention, the spices and other ingredients available in the
    Indian food contain a variety of medicinal properties that safeguard our immune system. For
    instance, having a glass of milk with turmeric once a day can do wonders for our body.

    Despite all the advantages, I am also aware of the other side of the story as fast food items are
    quick to be prepared and don’t consume a lot of time.

    Wrapping it up, it is evident that our priority should be to stay healthy and active while
    refraining from indulging in such activities that may cause trouble and stress. For this specific
    reason, going with traditional food rather than unhealthy, fast food should be the first priority.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    • Do you agree that traditional foods are being replaced by fast food?


    · Do you disagree with the fact that traditional foods are being replaced by fast food?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – The newer generation is more interested in fast food than their native
    food items. This particular adaptation is not just detrimental for families but individuals and
    societies as a whole.

    Opinion – I totally agree with this statement as losing interest in the traditional food may detach
    them from their culture.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Disadvantages of junk food

    Supporting points:

    • Liable for a gamut of emerging diseases
    • Have humongous amount of fat
    • Leads to increase in weight
    • Leave negative impacts on health

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Benefits of traditional food

    Supporting points:

    • Comprises a balanced amount of vitamins, proteins and more
    • Keep us away from unwanted diseases
    • Helps us be more productive
    • Spices contain a variety of medicinal properties


    Reiterated that our priority should be to stay healthy and active while refraining from indulging
    in such activities that may cause trouble and stress and supported the side taken in

    Sample Answer 2 : Band 9

    Nowadays, the generation appears keen to prefer fast foods rather than their own native foods. Therefore, this adaptation, in particular, may not be beneficial for the youths, as traditional foods tend to lose its existence could be a sign of detachment from one’s culture. I completely agree that it has a counter impact on our society.

    On the one hand, junk foods are considered as one of the favourite meals of the majority. However, it is the least suggested diet by dieticians or health advisors. Furthermore, these types of beverages are responsible for many emerging diseases, one of them is obesity. For example, pizzas and burgers have a humungous amount of fat. Although it tastes delicious, it causes an increase in weight, which is not good for health.

    One the other hand, the local foods contain a balanced amount of protein, vitamins, etc. which is important for us to consume in order to be fit and active. Hence, these types of meals do not cause dizziness and help us perform our day to day activities without feeling lazy. These items also have medicinal properties that guard us against minor viral diseases. For instance, having a glass of milk with turmeric in a day saves us from throat infections and strengthens our immunity.

    In conclusion, our priority should be keeping ourselves active and healthy, so that we can get indulged in a plethora of activities without feeling restless and stressed. For this reason, it is a must for us to vouch on traditional food and lesser on fast food. Thus, a happy mind mitigates stress and motivate us to live for a longer period of time.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 9

    Nowadays consumption of fast food has exceeded the imbibing rates of a home-made bread. This is believed that usage of such eatables has a devastationg effect starting from an individual to the society. I, thoroughly agree with this notion. This essay shall present various disdvantages of ready-to-use edibles with relevant examples.

    To embark with negatives that this form of meal has on a person is that these substances makes youngsters plumper. This is because these materials contain high content of fats and carbohydrates in them. Thus, decreasing the efficiency of doing work. Moving further, such consumed stuff is often found to be the culprit of serious health ailments like: heart attack; due to deposition of extravagant fatty product in the arteries of the heart. For example, this could be observed that the people, who eat those old diets suffer less from obesity and chest pain in comparison to the middle aged humans, who prefer digesting precooked foods.

    Additionally, this might have a deterring impact not only on the family but on the community as well. These items are expensive enough so, spending a lot on these might disturb the family-budget. For example, an employee, who is working on a monthly earning of ten thousand rupees, having a habit of intaking frozen snack may exhaust about thirty percent of his perk on them. Consequently, unable to save enough money for other deeds. Moreover, the waste produced from the stalls and the packages of these eating items leads to gyrating soil pollution. Hence , making the landscape less picturesque.

    In conclusion, although these saves ample time of masses still it is infrutous, as this might impose risks to the physical fitness, arise financial crisis and promote degradation of the soil. At last, I would like to reiterate such feed should be avoided keeping in minds their impacts.

    Sample Answer 4 : Band 8.5

    With the globalisation and international trade facilities, international fast food brands are present in almost all major cities around the world. Fast food chains like Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Starbucks, KFC and McDonald’s are quite popular among the people in all continents. It is true that the international fast foods are gaining more popularity while they are replacing the intake of traditional foods in many countries. In my opinion, this trend has severe negative consequences both on our family and society.

    First of all, people love to eat fast foods. Thus Pizza, Burger, Pepsi, Sandwich etc. are more popular among teens, office employees and other people than the traditional foods they have. The number of fast food shops is growing every day and this is quite alarming. With the busy lifestyle, people are solely relying on fast food items than preparing traditional foods at home. In a busy city, someone scarcely wants to spend time preparing foods for the family while s/he prefers to order fast foods from home. Thus we have fast food shops in every corner of our city streets while many city dwellers do not have time to prepare traditional yet hygienic and organic foods at home. As a consequence, we already have a society where overweight is a common problem. For instance, according to the recent statistics published by the healthcare ministry, every child out of 15 in our country is suffering from some kind of weight-related problems and fast food is the only reasons for that.

    Second, fast food is the reason we see increasing number of obese people in our community. They diet habit is directly related to our physical and mental health and the reliance on fast food is destroying the overall health of our new generation. Thirdly, the fast food items have little hygiene and lots of fats and this is one of the reasons people suffer from so many diseases these days. An ill or overweight child is sometimes a burden for a family. Food preparation and having meals together in a family is a tradition that not only brings family members together but also ensures their sound health and relationship. However, the international fast foods are decreasing our family bonding on one hand and they are severely deteriorating our health on the other hand.

    Finally, society and country have to allocate more budgets to treat the ill population while our reliance on fast food will only increase the number of ill people in a society. From this regards, international fast food chains is a great headache for any country. Traditional foods not only represent the tradition and value of a society but also offer the best nutrition and healthy ingredients to us. On the contrary, international fast foods destroy our well-being by decaying our health slowly and also generate a fast food loving new generation that will suffer from numerous diseases and will have a little respect for their own culture and tradition.

    In conclusion, it is a very pressing issue that we are relying more on fast foods than preparing traditional foods at home. This has so many negative consequences that individuals, as well as the government, should take quick and effective steps to revert the dreadful trends of eating fast foods.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 7.0

    In a large number of countries, people are moving away from traditional foods and turning to international fast foods. I think this has a negative impact on both families and societies because eating these foods does not provide many opportunities for parents to build strong bonds with their children, and it also causes many countries to become more obese than ever before.

    Preparing national dishes together can be an excellent bonding activity for parents and children. To teach a child how to cook a traditional meal, their parents might first take them to a supermarket to pick up ingredients, and then guide them step-by-step on how to turn these ingredients into delicious dishes. These informal activities are a great way for their parents to show how much they love them. Unfortunately, as multinational fast-food outlets become increasingly common, more parents are grabbing fast food for their children for dinner, which means less bonding time.

    In addition, many countries have a growing population of obese people due to the spread of global fast-food chains. This is because fast food is generally high in calories, fat and sodium, a combination that greatly increases the risk of weight gain. For example, in Brazil, the rapid expansion of major U.S. fast-food chains has led to an increase in new obesity cases in recent years, at one million annually. Overweight people are prone to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease later in life, bringing burdens to their nations’ medical care systems.

    In conclusion, fast food replacing traditional food has a negative impact on both families and societies because it does not create circumstances in which parents can bond with their children, and it also causes an obesity problem.

    Sample Answer 6 : Band 8.0

    In this era of globalization, there has been an immense infusion of foreign fast food companies into the local markets of developing nations. A number of of masses believes that it is proving to be detrimental for native families and localities as it is replacing their home-cooked meals. To which, I also completely accord with.

    The major drawback I feel that these foreign food giants have is they charge a hefty amount for the food they sell. Global cuisines like burgers, pizzas or even a pack of french fries is pricey in nature. They are marketed heavily by these international brands in local markets. As a result, their cost of production shoots up. Therefore, it adds into the price of such foods. The burden of which ultimately falls on the shoulders of consumers. Whereas in house meals consists of locally grown raw materials which needs no advertisements, thereby costing far less to produce and consume.

    Moreover, another point to consider is the nutritional value of these junk foods. Primarily, these foods are devoid of all the micro and macro nutrients, which is essential for human body. Most of them consists of high saturated fats, which are proved to be high in cholesterol, leading to obesity. Additionally, they are also filled with harmful chemicals like AGINOMOTO, which are used as taste enhancers by the companies. Making them mouth watering and relishing to indulge in. Whereas, it is not the case with indigenous foods like locally grown pulses, rice or legumes that have high contents of proteins and fibers in them. Therefore, fast foods being savory to eat, have no health benefits.

    To conclude, as per the above discussed points, I stand clear that global fast foods have adverse effects on the local people as it is low in nutritional content and highly priced, putting a toll on the consumer’s pocket. Hence, it is worthwhile to indulge in local delicacies in order to stay healthy and disease free.

  • Many people believe that music is just a form of entertainment, whilst others believe that music has a much larger impact on society today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    There are those who claim that music is solely for entertainment purposes while others feel it has larger societal implications. In my opinion, ostensibly most people listen to music for fun, however it still opens up pathways for fringe elements of society to become mainstream.

    Those that argue for the narrower view of music can easily highlight the ways in which music is consumed today. People listen to music at parties, nightclubs, and weddings to dance and enjoy themselves. They listen using streaming services like YouTube, Apple Music and Spotify to relax throughout the average day. The end result of all that listening is not that individuals think deeply about the lyrics or in any way question their actions, attitudes, or prejudices. Moreso than narrative forms of entertainment like movies and books, music is almost purely for entertainment and rarely rises above the level of subconscious enjoyment.

    While there is some truth to the argument above, music turns a positive spotlight on previously underrepresented demographic groups. People do not simply listen to music; they are also apt to follow and admire their favourite artists. One of the best examples of this is the championing of LGBT lifestyles. Elton John was an early example of an artist whose sexuality was fluid at a time when many viewed this behaviour as deviant. He did not come out as gay until much later but his influence on aspiring artists and the average listener was immense. Today, there are many artists who are openly gay and this not only reduces bigotry in general by undermining its logic but also inspires others to come out. A person listening to and following artists in any genre today accepts these once alternative lifestyles as the norm.

    In conclusion, music has an important role to play in society by giving voice to previously silent groups. In the same way that music broke down racial barriers in the 20th century, the 21st century will be the century of inclusion.

    Word Count: 330



    1. There are those who claim that music is solely for entertainment purposes while others feel it has larger societal implications. 2. In my opinion, ostensibly most people listen to music for fun, however it still opens up pathways for fringe elements of society to become mainstream.

      1. Paraphrase the overall topic for the whole essay.
      2. Write your opinion – make it clear so the examiner knows which side you support!

    1. Those that argue for the narrower view of music can easily highlight the ways in which music is consumed today. 2. People listen to music at parties, nightclubs, and weddings to dance and enjoy themselves. 3. They listen using streaming services like YouTube, Apple Music and Spotify to relax throughout the average day. 4. The end result of all that listening is not that individuals think deeply about the lyrics or in any way question their actions, attitudes, or prejudices. 5. Moreso than narrative forms of entertainment like movies and books, music is almost purely for entertainment and rarely rises above the level of subconscious enjoyment.

    1. Write a clear topic sentence with a main idea at the end.
    2. Develop your main idea with specific information.
    3. Keep mentioning specific examples such as real streaming services.
    4. State the result to continue developing the main idea.
    5. Relate it back to the overall topic/your main idea to finish development.


    1. While there is some truth to the argument above, music turns a positive spotlight on previously underrepresented demographic groups. 2. People do not simply listen to music; they are also apt to follow and admire their favourite artists. 3. One of the best examples of this is the championing of LGBT lifestyles. 4. Elton John was an early example of an artist whose sexuality was fluid at a time when many viewed this behaviour as deviant. 5. He did not come out as gay until much later but his influence on aspiring artists and the average listener was immense. 6. Today, there are many artists who are openly gay and this not only reduces bigotry in general by undermining its logic but also inspires others to come out. 7. A person listening to and following artists in any genre today accepts these once alternative lifestyles as the norm.

    1. Write another topic sentence with a new main idea.
    2. Start to explain your main idea.
    3. Here I begin a very specific example.
    4. Use a real artist or song if possible!
    5. Develop the example – don’t run away from it.
    6. Keep developing it.
    7. Finish developing your example and generalise it a bit.

    1. In conclusion, music has an important role to play in society by giving voice to previously silent groups. 2. In the same way that music broke down racial barriers in the 20th century, the 21st century will be the century of inclusion.

    1. Repeat your opinion.
    2. Add in final detail/thought to get full marks from the IELTS examiner.


    What do the words in bold below mean?

    There are those who claim that music is solely for entertainment purposes while others feel it has larger societal implications. In my opinion, ostensibly most people listen to music for fun, however it still opens up pathways for fringe elements of society to become mainstream.

    Those that argue for the narrower view of music can easily highlight the ways in which music is consumed today. People listen to music at parties, nightclubs, and weddings to dance and enjoy themselves. They listen using streaming services like YouTube, Apple Music and Spotify to relax throughout the average day. The end result of all that listening is not that individuals think deeply about the lyrics or in any way question their actions, attitudes, or prejudicesMoreso than narrative forms of entertainment like movies and books, music is almost purely for entertainment and rarely rises above the level of subconscious enjoyment.

    While there is some truth to the argument above, music turns a positive spotlight on previously underrepresented demographic groups. People do not simply listen to music; they are also apt to follow and admire their favourite artists. One of the best examples of this is the championing of LGBT lifestyles. Elton John was an early example of an artist whose sexuality was fluid at a time when many viewed this behaviour as deviant. He did not come out as gay until much later but his influence on aspiring artists and the average listener was immense. Today, there are many artists who are openly gay and this not only reduces bigotry in general by undermining its logic but also inspires others to come out. A person listening to and following artists in any genre today accepts these once alternative lifestyles as the norm.

    In conclusion, music has an important role to play in society by giving voice to previously silent groups. In the same way that music broke down racial barriers in the 20th century, the 21st century will be the century of inclusion.




    claim argue

    solely only

    larger societal implications bigger effect on everyone

    ostensibly seemingly

    opens up pathways makes it possible

    fringe elements outside areas

    mainstream popular culture

    narrower view more limited

    easily highlight simple argument

    consumed listened to

    streaming services listening to/watching movies/music online

    throughout during

    average day normal day

    end result final outcome

    think deeply thoughtfully

    question doubt

    prejudices bigotry

    moreso to a greater extent

    narrative forms mediums with stories

    purely entirely

    rarely rises above the level of subconscious enjoyment isn’t often thought about

    some truth not entirely false

    positive spotlight good focus

    previously underrepresented demographic groups in the past ignored types of people

    apt to likely to

    admire look up to

    championing endorsing

    LGBT lifestyles lesbian/gay/bi/trans ways of living

    early example nascent instance

    sexuality sexual orientation

    fluid shifting

    deviant outside the norm and wrong

    come out as gay openly homosexual

    aspiring artists people who want to work in art

    average listener normal fan

    immense massive

    openly gay known homosexual

    reduces bigotry in general decreases narrow-minded views

    undermining doubting

    logic reasons

    inspires encourages

    genre type of music/movie

    accepts willing to acknowledge

    once alternative lifestyles in the past outside the norm

    the norm what is normal/common

    giving voice allowing platforms for

    in the same way that just as

    broke down racial barriers reduce racism

    inclusion accepting others


    Reading Practice

    Read some examples here of socially important/defining songs:


    Speaking Practice

    Answer the following questions about music from the real IELTS speaking exam:


    1. Do you like music?
    2. Which types of music do you like?
    3. Would you like to learn a musical instrument?
    4. Do you prefer listening to music by yourself or with someone else?


    Writing Practice

    Answer this similar question then check my sample answer:

    Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together.

    To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (Recent IELTS Exam/Test)

  • Some educators believe that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    Many educators have been insisting on teaching students a musical instrument along with
    academic education to improve manual dexterity. As far as my opinion is concerned, I agree
    with this notion to a great extent as this method of learning is helpful in enhancing cognitive
    ability. In the next few paragraphs, I will be explaining my point of view.

    There are multifarious advantages to learning a musical instrument from a young age. To begin
    with, playing an instrument can improve hand-eye coordination. To do so, a lot of time and
    practice is required. Consequently, this type of devotion fills up children with focus and
    patience. For instance, one of the studies conducted by the Oxford University has revealed that
    those students who are adept at playing a musical instrument generally perform much better in
    manual skills than those who don’t know how to play.

    Besides, as per the advanced research, early knowledge of playing musical instruments leads to
    an enhanced memory potential and learning abilities. It stimulates different parts of the brain
    development. Moreover, playing a musical instrument also teaches patience to children as they
    invest a lot of time learning to control the beats and different parts of the instruments.

    However, if children are pressurized to hone their musical skills, they may feel overburdened.
    Thus, teaching these instruments at a young age to those who are literally interested in it can
    do wonders.

    In conclusion, I firmly reiterate that learning a musical instrument at a young age can help
    enhance social skills and the concentration level.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    • Do you agree that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument?


    · Do you disagree with the fact that every child should be taught how to play a musical

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Many educators have been insisting on teaching students a musical
    instrument along with academic education to improve manual dexterity.

    Opinion – As far as my opinion is concerned, I agree with this notion to a great extent as this
    method of learning is helpful in enhancing cognitive ability.

    A thesis statement – In the next few paragraphs, I will be explaining my point of view.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Benefits of learning musical instruments

    Supporting points:

    • Part of country’s culture
    • Brings children closer to roots
    • Improves communication and social skills
    • Improve interactive skills

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Benefits of learning musical instruments

    Supporting points:

    • Enhances memory potential
    • Develops learning abilities
    • Teaches patience to children


    Reiterated that musical instruments help improve social skills and concentration levels and
    supported the side taken in introduction.

    Sample Answer 2 : Band 9

    Numerous characters deem every kid must acquire skill in playing the musical apparatus; in contrast, certain groups of people oppose and affirm it is a wastage of time to become competent in a musical implement. I reckon every youngster must not become capable of playing a musical appliance.

    First of all, it is an inevitable fact that not every young teenager has artistic talent in learning the musical apparatus as everyone is unique. Individuals just have to find out what field they have a gift so that they will be called a prodigy, after spending a particular time in that field. For instance, it is said that a fish swims in water better than any animals, but it would suffer if the fish gets obliged to climb a tree, the fish will think of itself as a failure for the rest of its life, which is tragic right? Hence, it is just ironic to burden everyone to acquire skill in playing the musical appliance.

    Secondly, also it is an undeniable fact that the untalented children assigned to become competent in playing an appliance will lose many hours and take damage mentally. Instead of this, it is valuable to spend hours and effort diligently on a thing captivating children’ mind. For example, Rayleigh left his daily job to chase his passion for becoming a writer, after years of ups-and-down, he regarded as one of the apt authors in his generation. Thus, it is essential to chase your desired activities but not only musical instruments.

    In conclusion, from the ideas and examples given, I firmly believe every kid is not obliged to acquire skill in the knowledge of the musical apparatus , as there are many children who despise things relating to music.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 9

    Numerous characters deem every kid must acquire skill in playing the musical appliance; in contrast, certain groups of people oppose and affirm it is a wastage of time to try becoming competent in a musical instrument. I reckon every youngster got not obligated to become capable of playing a musical apparatus.

    First of all, it is an inevitable fact that not every young teenager has artistic talent in learning the musical implement as everyone is unique. Individuals just have to find out in what field they got born gifted so that he or she will be called as a prodigy, after spending many hours in that field. For instance, it is said that a fish swims in water better than any animal, but it would suffer if the fish gets obliged to climb a tree; the fish will think of itself as a failure for the rest of its life, which is tragic right? Hence, it is just ironic to burden everyone to acquire skill in playing a musical appliance.

    Secondly, also it is an undeniable fact that the untalented children assigned to become competent in playing apparatus will lose a lot of time and take damage mentally. Instead of it, it is beneficial to spend time and effort diligently on a thing captivating their minds. For example, Rayleigh left his daily job to chase his passion for becoming a writer, after years of ups-and-down, he got regarded as one of the apt authors of his era. Thus, it is essential to chase your desired activity but not musical instruments.

    In conclusion, from the ideas and examples given, I firmly believe every kid is not obliged to acquire a knowledge of the musical appliance, as there are many children who despise things relating to music.

    Sample Answer 4 : Band 8.5

    Since  olden days, music has become a famous activity which most of the people like spending their time . In fact, even some academics believe that each younger ought to be learned on playing musical equipment. In my point of view, I agree with this statement as it would improve younger’s creativity and bring healthiness towards their mental health.

    To begin with, creativity is ones of the mental processes, which should be developed since childhood.For example, as children would be easier to be bored in one direct learning, music is the best way to attract them back in focusing their learning. Many studies have shown that being studying music would improve people’s imagination because it triggers the right and left side of the brain working together in time. As a result, by implementing children to play their musical items in school would lead to the empowerment of younger’s wisdom.

    In addition, playing musical items by the teenager would bring beneficially in their mental healthiness. In the contemporary world,for instance, it has became a trait, which children have to struggle in studying many subjects. Clearly, it could contribute to the depression among this younger generation because this modern study system has put up the pressure in their early stage of life. Despite this stressful life, music should be learned to them for relaxing purpose and lessening their burden of study. Thus, implementing music in children’s studying become a need which would bring cheer over their faces and bring positivity for their mental condition.

    In conclusion, suggesting the teaching musical instrument toward children affect them on increasing their creativity and heathier mental status which people should be aware of in order for the betterment of the younger generation.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 7.0

    It is argued by some educational experts that all children should be taught to play at least one musical instrument. This essay agrees with the statement. Firstly, melody helps in cognitive development and secondly, it can be a relaxing tool for dealing with stress in their life.

    To begin with, studying any musical tools can help in the enhancement of a child’s brain. In other words, it makes pupils smart as they need to learn tune theories and have to put those in form of sounds. Moreover, kids need to think about their next move quickly while playing a part before it ends. To exemplify, a recent study by The Cambridge University showed that pupils who know how to play any form of musical gadget scored higher in complex subjects like math and science, Therefore, music can play part in the overall development of the little ones.

    In addition, everyone agrees that any form of good sound, helps an individual to relax. This is to say that people enjoy the good sound of any instruments and it helps them to release their mental stress. For example in this 21st century, lifestyles of people have become very hectic , they have a lot of pressure from the work and life but if they know how to play any melody, they can relieve those pressure by playing what they enjoy. Therefore, it is beneficial that the school and parents should teach their children music which can be a great tool for stress relief when they are an adult.

    In conclusion, several educationalists believe that teaching music from early childhood will result in cognitive benefits and can be stress releasing tool when they turn into adults.

    Sample Answer 6 : Band 8.0

    Many teachers feel that learning to play a musical instrument is an indispensable part of a student’s education. In my opinion, there are socioeconomic concerns with this tenet but it is still advisable overall.

    Detractors can easily argue not every child has access to the supportive environment required to learn an instrument. Firstly, a family might not have enough money if a child wants to learn piano or buy a quality guitar. There are also related expenses that include the fees for private lessons and other equipment. Added to this, they will need their parents to have enough time to drive them to and from rehearsals and recitals. At home, the entire family will have to listen to them practice and this could be contentious if there are a lot of people living in one home or a child shares their room with siblings or relatives. All these factors affect underprivileged children and place them at a decided disadvantage.

    Nonetheless, the above issues can be mitigated with more funding for schools and the developmental benefits of music outweigh all other concerns. Research has shown that in early development, physical changes take place in the brains of both children and adolescents. Some of these relate to music and children who take up an instrument, even if they quit later, have demonstrated improved cognitive flexibility and creativity in longitudinal studies across a variety of cultural backgrounds. Apart from the scientific grounding, it also common sense that children will feel more fulfilled and derive a lot of joy from playing music. This can provide a boost to not only academics but also their long-term mental well-being.

    In conclusion, though policymakers will have to account for accessibility issues, learning an instrument is key for neurodevelopment. Schools, parents, and teachers should work together to ensure the best chances of success.


    1. Many teachers feel that learning to play a musical instrument is an indispensable part of a student’s education. 2. In my opinion, there are socioeconomic concerns with this tenet but it is still advisable overall.

    1. Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
    2. Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here.

    1. Detractors can easily argue not every child has access to the supportive environment required to learn an instrument. 2. Firstly, a family might not have enough money if a child wants to learn piano or buy a quality guitar. 3. There are also related expenses that include the fees for private lessons and other equipment. 4. Added to this, they will need their parents to have enough time to drive them to and from rehearsals and recitals. 5. At home, the entire family will have to listen to them practice and this could be contentious if there are a lot of people living in one home or a child shares their room with siblings or relatives. 6. All these factors affect underprivileged children and place them at a decided disadvantage.

    1. Write a clear topic sentence with your main idea at the end.
    2. Begin to develop your main idea.
    3. Use a real or hypothetical example.
    4. Add more detail to fully support your main idea.
    5. Don’t switch to a new main idea.
    6. Finish with a summary.


    1. Nonetheless, the above issues can be mitigated with more funding for schools and the developmental benefits of music outweigh all other concerns. 2. Research has shown that in early development, physical changes take place in the brains of both children and adolescents. 3. Some of these relate to music and children who take up an instrument, even if they quit later, have demonstrated improved cognitive flexibility and creativity in longitudinal studies across a variety of cultural backgrounds. 4. Apart from the scientific grounding, it also common sense that children will feel more fulfilled and derive a lot of joy from playing music. 5. This can provide a boost to not only academics but also their long-term mental well-being.

    1. Write another topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
    2. Use research to support your idea.
    3. Develop the research.
    4. Add in more detail if possible.
    5. Conclude with a strong statement.

    1. In conclusion, though policymakers will have to account for accessibility issues, learning an instrument is key for neurodevelopment. 2. Schools, parents, and teachers should work together to ensure the best chances of success.

    1. Repeat your opinion and summarise your main ideas.
    2. Add a final thought. Read more about conclusions here.



    What do the words in bold below mean?

    Many teachers feel that learning to play a musical instrument is an indispensable part of a student’s education. In my opinion, there are socioeconomic concerns with this tenet but it is still advisable overall.

    Detractors can easily argue not every child has access to the supportive environment required to learn an instrument. Firstly, a family might not have enough money if a child wants to learn piano or buy a quality guitar. There are also related expenses that include the fees for private lessons and other equipmentAdded to this, they will need their parents to have enough time to drive them to and from rehearsals and recitals. At home, the entire family will have to listen to them practice and this could be contentious if there are a lot of people living in one home or a child shares their room with siblings or relatives. All these factors affect underprivileged children and place them at a decided disadvantage.

    Nonetheless, the above issues can be mitigated with more funding for schools and the developmental benefits of music outweigh all other concerns. Research has shown that in early development, physical changes take place in the brains of both children and adolescents. Some of these relate to music and children who take up an instrument, even if they quit later, have demonstrated improved cognitive flexibility and creativity in longitudinal studies across a variety of cultural backgroundsApart from the scientific grounding, it also common sense that children will feel more fulfilled and derive a lot of joy from playing music. This can provide a boost to not only academics but also their long-term mental well-being.

    In conclusion, though policymakers will have to account for accessibility issues, learning an instrument is key for neurodevelopment. Schools, parents, and teachers should work together to ensure the best chances of success.



    indispensable crucial

    socioeconomic concerns questions about class

    tenet principle

    advisable overall in general good

    detractors critics

    easily argue point out effortlessly

    access to can get to

    supportive environment required good family support

    firstly first of all

    quality guitar good guitar

    related expenses other money that must be spent

    fees cost

    private lessons one on one lessons

    other equipment other musical items

    added to this moreover

    rehearsals practicing

    recitals a mini-concert

    entire family whole family

    contentious controversial

    shares their room with live in the same room

    factors elements

    underprivileged children poor kids

    place them at a decided disadvantage definitely worse off

    nonetheless regardless

    mitigated somewhat countered by

    funding money for

    developmental benefits positive impact on how they grow up

    outweigh all other concerns more important

    in early development as kids

    take place happen

    adolescents teenagers

    relate to have to do with

    take up start

    quit stop

    demonstrated improved cognitive flexibility smarter

    longitudinal studies research over many years

    cultural backgrounds where someone comes from

    apart from besides

    scientific grounding research basis

    feel more fulfilled feel satisfied

    derive get from

    provide a boost increase

    not only … but also also includes

    long-term mental well-being mental health

    policymakers politicians

    account for accessibility issues think about providing it for all

    key important

    neurodevelopment brain development

    work together collaborate

    ensure make sure

    best chances of success will likely work out




    ˌsəʊsɪəʊˌɛkəˈnɒmɪk kənˈsɜːnz 
    ədˈvaɪzəbl ˈəʊvərɔːl
    ˈiːzɪli ˈɑːgjuː 
    ˈæksɛs tuː 
    səˈpɔːtɪv ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt rɪˈkwaɪəd 
    ˈkwɒlɪti gɪˈtɑː
    rɪˈleɪtɪd ɪksˈpɛnsɪz 
    ˈpraɪvɪt ˈlɛsnz 
    ˈʌðər ɪˈkwɪpmənt
    ˈædɪd tuː ðɪs
    ɪnˈtaɪə ˈfæmɪli 
    ʃeəz ðeə ruːm wɪð 
    ˌʌndəˈprɪvɪlɪʤd ˈʧɪldrən 
    pleɪs ðɛm æt ə dɪˈsaɪdɪd ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪʤ
    dɪˌvɛləpˈmɛntl ˈbɛnɪfɪts 
    aʊtˈweɪ ɔːl ˈʌðə kənˈsɜːnz
    ɪn ˈɜːli dɪˈvɛləpmənt
    teɪk pleɪs 
    rɪˈleɪt tuː 
    teɪk ʌp 
    ˈdɛmənstreɪtɪd ɪmˈpruːvd ˈkɒgnɪtɪv ˌflɛksɪˈbɪlɪti 
    ˌlɒnʤɪˈtjuːdɪnl ˈstʌdiz 
    ˈkʌlʧərəl ˈbækgraʊndz
    əˈpɑːt frɒm 
    ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk ˈgraʊndɪŋ
    fiːl mɔː fʊlˈfɪld 
    prəˈvaɪd ə buːst 
    nɒt ˈəʊnli 
    bʌt ˈɔːlsəʊ 
    ˈlɒŋtɜːm ˈmɛntl wɛl-ˈbiːɪŋ
    əˈkaʊnt fɔːr əkˌsɛsɪˈbɪlɪti ˈɪʃuːz
    wɜːk təˈgɛðə 
    bɛst ˈʧɑːnsɪz ɒv səkˈsɛs


    Reading Practice

    Do some extra reading on this topic below as well:


    Speaking Practice

    Practice with the following questions from the real IELTS speaking exam:


    1. Do you like music?
    2. Which types of music do you like?
    3. Would you like to learn a musical instrument?
    4. Do you prefer listening to music by yourself or with someone else?

    Writing Practice

    Write about the following related topic then check with my sample answer below:

    Many people believe that music is just a form of entertainment, whilst others believe that music has a much larger impact on society today.

    Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

    IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Music & Society (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)


  • Some people say that all popular TV programmes should aim to educate viewers about important social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    It is widely discussed that all well-known television shows should attempt to raise public
    awareness about social concerns. In my opinion, such initiatives by well-known entertainment
    shows are necessary. The main reason for my viewpoint is that the general public extensively
    watches all popular entertainment programmes. Therefore, by communicating a social
    message, they may educate people about it. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my
    point of view.

    These days, entertainment shows are popular among all ages and genders. Suppose TV shows
    focus on teaching people about social concerns in their communities. Then it’s without a doubt
    that it will reach the masses and subliminally inform and help people become more conscious
    of the country’s problems. Moreover, these messages raise awareness of social concerns such
    as rising crime, environmental difficulties, and many others that occur on a daily basis and pose
    possible hazards and threats to people’s lives. Hence it allows people to defend themselves and
    enhance their quality of life.

    Another aspect to consider is that there aren’t enough mediums for individuals to learn about
    the concerns. Because the publications that usually cover these topics, such as newspapers and
    magazines, are not regularly read by the general public, especially young people. The best
    method to reach out to them and pass on information, whether directly or indirectly, is through
    entertainment programmes. Even if a portion of the show’s time is devoted to educational
    programming, this would have a ripple effect on society at large.

    In a way, it might also be true that such inclusion would jeopardize the essence of the
    programs. However, program directors’ creativity can assist in delivering the social message
    while still protecting the program’s core in a unique way.

    To conclude, popular entertainment programmes are the most successful means of reaching
    and influencing the public. Hence inclusion of social awareness segments is a laudable initiative
    from the program owner

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    · Do you agree that all TV programmes should aim to educate viewers about important
    social issues?


    · Do you disagree that all TV programmes should aim to educate viewers about
    important social issues?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – It is widely discussed that all well-known television shows should
    attempt to raise public awareness about social concerns.

    Opinion – In my opinion, such initiatives by well-known entertainment shows are necessary. The
    main reason for my viewpoint is that the general public extensively watches all popular
    entertainment programmes.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: How TV Programs can help increase awareness about social issues ?

    Supporting points:

    · Reaches the masses

    · Subliminally informs and raises awareness

    · Helps enhance quality of life

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Consumed by the masses

    Supporting points:

    · Best method to reach out to people

    · Ripple effect on society


    Reiterated that popular entertainment programmes are the most successful means of reaching
    and influencing the public by spreading awareness and supported the side taken in the


    Sample Answer 2 : Band 7.5

    Some people believe that television programs designed to entertain should also contain educational content on social issues. I completely disagree with this idea and will discuss my reasons in the following essay.

    Firstly, people should be free to watch television programs simply to be entertained, without having to be subjected to educational content. Quite often, people use television as an escape from their daily life, and as a tool for relaxation. It is unfair to suggest that they must be educated on social issues when they are simply wanting to escape by watching their favourite sitcom or cartoon. Furthermore, people should be free to choose whether they want to be educated about social issues or not. If they do, they are free to do the research themselves. Secondly, producers and directors should be free to create entertainment programs as they choose. Forcing them to incorporate ideology around social issues would be a violation of their freedom and artistic expression.

    In addition, it is not the role of television channels to educate people about what is right and what is wrong within society. These are the responsibilities of parents and communities. There are many current social issues that remain controversial, such as climate change and LGBTQ issues. It would be impossible for a television program to give an unbiased opinion surrounding these issues, and therefore it would not be appropriate for television channels to spread propaganda through their programs, as this may only be to the benefit of certain groups of people with a particular way of thinking or opinion. For example, if a television program director had negative views about the LGBTQ community, it could have a particular effect on the way they manipulate their educational content.

    In conclusion, I believe it is unfair to say that all entertainment programs should have educational value concerning social issues, as it would be almost impossible to create unbiased opinion and could result in the spread of propaganda.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 8

    Critics of the quality of televisions shows these days argue that more educational programming related to key social issues is needed. In my opinion, though there are legitimate reasons to support such reforms, I believe television should be mainly for entertainment.

    Those in favour of raising awareness of social problems claim that television is not currently serving socially viable purpose. The most popular shows are dramas, comedies, and reality TV, all of which are purely for entertainment. If the time wasted on such shows was diverted towards educational programs, this would have a ripple effect on society at large. For example, more informed news shows about underprivileged segments of society could lead to outpourings of empathy and encourage nuanced understanding of the causes of poverty. This greater awareness would translate to real action in many cases. Powerful figures and small activists alike could contribute to socially beneficial causes.

    Nonetheless, the actual impact of the proposed changes is questionable and most people do not watch TV out of altruism. Raising awareness of social issues, depending on how it is handled and the self-righteousness of the programs, is just as likely to provoke negative backlash and hinder progress. Moreover, people watch TV in order to relax and let their minds rest or to experience a feeling of excitement. Forcing viewers to think about complex societal problems would simply discourage them and they would instead watch videos on YouTube or Netflix. It would be impossible to regulate all media and there would be public uproar at the attempt.

    In conclusion, though it would be ideal for television to inform citizens of social problems, this solution is not practical. Individuals will always seek out the pastimes that entertain, not educate, them the most.



    critics those who argue against it quality how good it is these days recently educational programming shows that are informative key social issues imprtant problems related to society legitimate reasons good justifications reforms changes those in favour of raising awareness supporters of this opinion claim argue not currently serving not helping socially viable purpose good for society reality TV shows without scripts about real people purely entirely wasted not used properly diverted towards pushed in a different direction ripple effect trickle down impact at large in general more informed news shows TV shows that report well underprivileged segments poor parts lead to outpourings of empathy cause people to feel bad encourage motivate nuanced understanding complex understanding of poverty being poor greater awareness know more about translate means powerful figures famous, rich people small activists alike individuals as well contribute add to socially beneficial causes helps society nonetheless regardless actual impact real effect proposed changes what they want to reform questionable dubious out of altruism not for personal gain depending on has to do with handled dealt with self-righteousness feeling superior to others provoke instigate negative backlash overreaction hinder progress hurt the movement let their minds rest relax experience watch forcing have to complex societal problems nuanced issues in society discourage not motivate instead in fact regulate make laws about public uproar people angry attempttry ideal perfect inform give information about not practical impractical, not realistic pastimes hobbies

    Sample Answer 4 :

    It is often argued that making aware people about crucial social issues should be an aim of the makers of every popular television entertainment programme. I do agree to the statement to a greater extent.

    The predominant reason behind my agreement to the statement is that if this is done, significant social problems and their solutions can be reached to a wider circle of people. To be clearer, popular entertainment programmes have a considerable proportion of viewers irrespective of age and gender. If the directors of such programmes focus on educating the public on these crises, many of these can be addressed swiftly and effectively as it would reach a notable proportion of active population of a country.

    The second reason why I align to the statement is that there are very few options to make people aware about such situations in such an effective manner. In the past, these issues were addressed through novels, poems and dramas. As television became an integral entertainment media, telecasters saw it as the best mode of information transfer; both directly and indirectly. For example, information is programmed and fed into the brains of the TV viewers through popular programmes like reality shows and comedy shows. Therefore, making such programmes is highly recommended.

    I need to admit that often such inclusion would kill the essence of the programmes, and would affect their popularity. However, I think a creative director can address this particular issue appropriately.

    To conclude, though there are questions regarding maintaining the popularity intact, I believe addressing social issues in popular TV programmes is really a good idea.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 7.5

    Media content produced by TV stations is playing a key role in educating the general public. What kind of show should be considered by the media owners? A number of societies claim that the programs from electronic media such as television must contribute to improving audiences knowledge, especially related to social problems. I personally agree that it is a big responsibility carried out by television management to present more comprehensive and reliable content for their viewers.

    To begin with, the media researchers concern that a plethora of information disseminated through all media channels are important because it has the capability to influence public opinion. For instance, when various entertainment programs on television publish certain issues such as disaster events in a particular destination, the channels should deliver trustworthy details as they will be absorbed by all individuals watching the show. All talents also need to encourage their followers to be more sensitive to the current situation and probably initiate social movements like an open donation.

    Another point to consider is the financial benefit obtained by the media while they are providing positive content. This is because media aired important issues positively is tend to maintain their image in front of both sponsors and consumers. For example, if television stations run social projects and broadcast them through their media channel, they have the possibility to attract more people to watch them. As a result, a multitude of brands are willing to spend their money on the shows as it generates high viewer engagement and brands might promote their products effectively during the sponsorship program.

    In conclusion, I absolutely agree that all entertainment shows with a high level of popularity need to bring forth educational content and contribute to enhancing viewers’ knowledge and understanding, especially in terms of social issues.

  • Nowadays many people travel to foreign countries for pleasure. Some believe this travel has a negative impact on the countries travelled to. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    Travelling helps people to get away from a sedentary and often dull existence. Many people
    have begun to travel to foreign nations for enjoyment in recent years. Others think that travel
    may cause more harm than benefit to the nations visited. Travelling, in my opinion, helps
    people to open themselves up to different cultures and perspectives. In the forthcoming
    paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.

    Seeing other parts of the world and gaining immersive experiences in foreign cultures is
    educational and can open people’s eyes in ways they never thought was possible. One becomes
    more aware of what is going on in other nations as a result of travel. It also allows an individual
    to meet new people and experience new things. It can also lead to new chances that they
    would never have imagined or dreamed about. One also gets to see the natural beauty of
    different parts of the world.

    Additionally, travelling is less difficult. Travelling does not always need to cost millions of
    dollars. Nowadays, people have the option of going to places with cheap living costs. It also aids
    in the formation of meaningful connections. The people met while travelling may become some
    of their most valued contacts. Travelling may expose an individual to a wide range of lifestyles
    and cultures. Furthermore, the benefits of tourists spending foreign money in the nation would
    significantly boost the economy.

    However, in a way, it might also be true that traveling to foreign countries devastates the local
    economy. Nevertheless, the tourism industry plays a significant role in the country’s economic
    development. It helps in creating employment opportunities for a large number of people.

    In conclusion, there are numerous benefits of international travel which cannot be overlooked.
    Travelling benefits not just people but also countries.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    · Do you agree that travelling to foreign countries for pleasure can leave a negative
    impact on the nations?


    · Do you disagree that travelling to foreign countries for pleasure can leave a negative
    impact on the nations?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Traveling helps people to get away from a sedentary and often dull
    existence. Many people have begun to travel to foreign nations for enjoyment in recent years.
    Others think that travel may cause more harm than benefit to the nations visited.

    Opinion – Traveling, in my opinion, helps people to open themselves up to different cultures
    and perspectives.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Advantages of traveling

    Supporting points:

    · People learn and experience foreign culture

    · Increases awareness of the world

    · People get to see natural beauty of different regions


    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Additional benefits of traveling

    Supporting points:

    · Cheap traveling alternatives

    · Builds meaningful connections

    · Boosts economy


    Reiterated that travelling benefits not just people but also countries and supported the side
    taken in the introduction.


    Sample Answer 2 : Band 7.5

    Travelling to different countries to spend free time, vacations and holidays has been a popular trend nowadays which will enable us to experience different cultures and admire the natural beauty of different parts of the world. Concerns are raised by a few people that there is a negative impact on this for countries more than the positives. In my opinion, advantages out weight the disadvantages which also can be reduced if properly managed. Therefore, I firmly believe that travelling has many positives than negatives.

    One of the main benefits of tourists is the foreign currency spend in the country which helps the economy immensely. Many people will get more occupations around this industry and those will be attractive and rewarding as well. Apart from the economic benefits, the exposure of the rich culture to the world will be a vital advantage too.

    Along with these, some negatives can also be pointed out like child abuse, drugs and prostitution-related to foreign visitors. But most of these crimes are present even without this industry. So, the responsibility should be taken by the government to prevent such activities rather than sacrificing the tourism industry which will help the nation in multiple ways.

    In conclusion, I disagree with the statement on highlighting the negative impact as these are almost will be present even without tourism one way or the other. Enhancing the regulations and laws to mitigate those issues need to do by the government and it will allow the country to experience the benefits of travellers from all over the world.

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 8

    Gone are the days when people used to spend all their lives in the same city and the tour was a word for rich people only. Now, with the technological advancements, cheaper flight, and ever increasing awareness towards other states and countries, the world has become a smaller place. Having travelled since childhood, I can definitely say that the tourism industry is changing fast and this is attracting a lot more travellers each year. This essay delves into the reasons behind increasing travellers and benefits of travelling.

    Firstly, people want to get refreshed quite often due to their increasing workload and they have easy access to information they want. These are the two main reasons people travel more frequently than ever before. It is evident that busier workdays and the hectic lifestyle can easily drain one out. People have started to work more and earn more as compared to earlier days. Also, with the wave of information that the internet has brought, everyone is better informed about the world outside their office or home. These things have acted as precursors to the increase in the number of people who opt travelling as a holiday get away.

    Second, tourism is taken very seriously in several countries now. Countries like Australia and France have travel & tourism as an important part of their economy. Tourism contributes to around  30%  of the national GDP for Dubai. Thus, people have started picking up careers in the realm of tourism, as travel bloggers, trip organisers, etc. I myself have met people who travel for a living and love doing so. These factors have also led to accrual in the travelling population.

    I believe travelling exposes us to different people and their traditions, outside or even within a country. India itself is a collection of myriad customs, flavours and languages. Visiting places one has never been to and meeting people with different beliefs broadens our perspectives. Introduction to different cultures catalyses respect towards the mutual differences. It helps us understand people in a new light, which can be very helpful to alleviate tensions during political or cultural conflicts.

    In a nutshell, I would say that travelling is equivalent to education. It can bring people closer to each other despite their differences, which is very important in today’s global world.

    Sample Answer 4 :

    The temptation to explore other countries has significantly increased among people during the last two decades. Many people say that it adversely impacts the destination country due to several reasons. However, I do not agree with them because tourism has brought along more positives than its negatives for the traveled country.

    There is no exaggeration in saying that tourism is one of the key drivers of the economy for the nations which have numerous tourist attractions. Since, when a large number of people visit a particular country, this tremendously contributes to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of that country. Mainly, through employment opportunities, ticket passes, travel, food, and accommodation services. Secondly, tourism promotes the language, cultural and traditional values of a nation across the boundaries. Most importantly, it spreads harmony while nationals from two different social classes meet and get to know each other. Therefore, it is a win-win situation for both parties.

    People who have the perspective that visitors impart a negative impact to the host country, they consider the insecurities linked to the tourists visiting other countries with the wrong intentions to spread violence among the natives. Some even cause damage to the tourist places through litter and other wrongful actions. For instance, there are many treks in Indian mountainous regions where tourists throw the empty plastic ware and cause environmental damage in a literal way. Along with this, many visitors hurt the sentiments of citizens by mocking their culture, religion, and customs.

    In conclusion, I believe that the perks of international tourism are more profound than its disadvantages. Since it generates high revenues for the host country and makes a remarkable contribution to its development. Besides this, tourism is a great learning experience for the individuals of two countries.

    Sample Answer 5 : Band 8.5

    These days several individuals prefer travelling to other nations for pleasure. A number of people opine that this is disadvantageous for the countries, people choose to travel. This essay disagrees with this notion for the following reasons.

    Firstly, The tourism industry is one of the major sectors that provides employment to the population of a particular region. This sector not only contributes to the economical growth of a country but also brings foreign currency which contributes to its currency strength at the international level. Tourists are important for any country because their arrival brings wealth to many sectors including staying at a hotel, paying cab’s fare to do local shopping etc. For instance, a survey conducted by The British Government found that 15% of the countries in the world depend mostly on tourists for their survival.

    Secondly, Another point to consider is that if there had been no tourism then we would not have been able to create the world we live in today because the tourism industry is the exchange of culture, food and lifestyle . For example, Whenever foreigners visit any nation, most of them prefer their respective cuisines to avoid health issues while travelling so cater to this need their respective food is adapted in tourists destinations.

    To conclude, of course, there is some truth in the argument that this has some negative effects on the nations travelled to but considering the positives it brings, I am of the opinion that the advantages of such development outweigh the pitfalls.

  • Some countries import a large amount of food from other parts of the world. To what extent is this a positive or negative trend?

    Sample Answer 1 : Band 8

    Instead of creating their own food commodities, governments throughout the world are
    increasingly dependent on food imported from other countries. It is, in my opinion, a
    dangerous trend that will have a detrimental influence on the agricultural sectors of countries.
    In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my thoughts in detail.

    The disadvantage of depending on imported commodities rather than indigenous goods is that
    all local farmers in the nation who rely on crop sales would see a significant drop, lowering their
    living conditions. As a result, agricultural workers may need to seek alternative employment
    opportunities. Moreover, during times of crisis, nations that import products on a large scale
    will stop doing so, causing other countries that buy these items to suffer greatly.

    Additionally, imported food is not necessarily nutritious. To preserve the food while it is
    transported to other parts of the world, specific chemicals are added to it. These preservatives
    have been linked to the development of deadly illnesses such as cancer. In addition, failing to
    maintain storage facilities results in significant food waste. Moreover, countries have to spend
    a huge amount to foreign countries in trade, and imported food is overpriced. It also has a
    negative impact on the nations’ native cultures. In Japan, for example, where imported meals
    are growing more popular, people’s knowledge of their own indigenous cuisines is dwindling.

    However, in a way, it might also be true that importing goods can provide access to some foods that
    would otherwise be unavailable in certain countries. Preserved foods kept for extended periods, on
    the other hand, can induce a range of illnesses.

    To summarise, imports are not always beneficial, and they have a negative influence on the
    country’s agriculture sector, weakening the country’s economic position.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick a side. So,

    · Do you agree with the idea that countries should produce their own goods instead of
    importing from other countries?


    · Do you disagree with the idea that countries should produce their own goods instead of
    importing from other countries?

    Once you pick a side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Instead of creating their own food commodities, governments
    throughout the world are increasingly dependent on food imported from other countries.

    Opinion – It is, in my opinion, a dangerous trend that will have a detrimental influence on the
    agricultural sectors of countries.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraph, I shall explain my point of view in detail.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Central idea: Dangerous consequences of importing food

    Supporting points:

    · Causes a significant drop in local farms’ crop sales

    · Deteriorates conditions of local farmers

    · Makes country depend on other countries for goods


    Body Paragraph 2:

    Central idea: Negative effects of food importing

    Supporting points:

    · Imported goods are not nutritious

    · Contains harmful chemicals

    · Countries have to spend a huge amount on foreign trade


    Reiterated that imports are not always beneficial and supported the side taken in introduction.


    Sample Answer 2 : Band 7

    Due to the increase in the import industry, nations can have various types of eatable products available to them. In my view, it is a positive development but with some serious concern towards economy and environment.

    To begin with, people has benefited from an increase in foreign goods. It helps to provide essential food items to the population, which is not easily cultivated in their region. Moreover, residents are restricted to only a few nutritious items. The middle east region, for example, with having no agricultural region for the cultivation of nutritional vegetables and fruits. So the dependence grows more on the import from countries such as India and Bangladesh. As a result, residents now have greater access to nutritious food, which in turns increase life expectancy and quality of life.

    Despite its pros, it can have serious repercussions on the economy and environment. As the nation promote more imported goods which can have a detrimental affect on local goods. In addition, the local productivity of the nation will be decreased and the country may fall into recession. Another reason is that if the exporting countries are not in a great situation to fulfil the demand of the other countries, it affects the supply chain to other countries. For instances, India is a major exporter to middle eastern countries in cultivated foods. However, when India’s production is lowered it has a discernible impact on import-dependent countries.

    To summarise, countries increase in dependency on imported goods can have a tremendous benefit on the population but at the same time it can affect the local production and economy

    Sample Answer 3 : Band 8

    Due to globalization, trade is flourishing and many consumer goods are being traded across the globe. It has been noticed that even food is being imported from or exported to different countries. In my opinion, the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages. To begin with, the import and export of food materials provides people with an opportunity to taste exotic foods and cuisines.

    Some fruits and vegetables can only be grown in specific regions. By importing them, people living in other parts of the world can also enjoy them. For example, kiwi fruit cannot be produced in India, but all Indians can still enjoy the fruit, thanks to imports. Moreover, this trend gives the poor, developing countries an opportunity to earn foreign exchange by selling their rare products to the world. This eventually helps those countries economically.

    On the flip side, the importing and exporting of food does have a few downsides. To start with, imported food is not always healthy. As those food materials have to be transported over long distances, they are preserved with the help of chemicals to increase their shelf life. These preservatives are sometimes carcinogenic and could cause dreadful diseases like cancer. Thus, they are a potential threat to the health of the people. Furthermore, the importing of food can weaken the economy of poor countries.

    To conclude, although imported food is not always healthy, the import and export of food products is an opportunity for sellers to earn valuable foreign exchange and for buyers to enjoy exotic foods all year round. As for the health consequences, well, healthier preservatives may be available in near future.

    Sample Answer 4 : Band 6.5

    A big amount of food is imported by some states from other countries around the globe. This essay will argue that this is a negative trend because it makes a country dependent on another economy and it results in a country to be economically poor.

    Many countries are dependent of each other to get food. This is because some countries do not have the resources needed to produce those kind of supply, therefore resulting them to import it from others at a huge cost. This can cause a negative impact in those countries if ever something happens with the providing country, the receiving countries will be in a bad shape and there may be starvation amongst people. For example, Mauritius was in a bad situation when it could not import vegetables from neighborhood countries during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

    The economy of a country is often a mirror of seeing how much import and export transaction it does over the time. If a country keeps importing foods and other luxurious item from other numerous part of the world, it will suffer because it won’t have much to transact over producing locally. As a result, it will increase the unemployment rate and hence, criminality rate as well. For example, African countries, such as Ethiopia and Kenya, have a poor economic statistic as they trade majority of their supplies from other nearby countries to sustain their daily needs and in return they are left with nothing but food.

    To conclude, importing from overseas will always have a negative impact as it leads to a country being too dependent on others and their economy goes way down the limits and they cannot achieve other basic needs.


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