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Today, more and more full time university students focus on other activities rather than spend a lot of time studying. Some people think it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer 1: Band 8

A university offers courses that help students gain knowledge on a particular discipline and prepare them for a career. So it is not surprising that some of them feel students should be devoted to studies. But others argue that it is equally important to take part in other activities. I believe that students should acquire overall development. The university should concentrate not only on meeting industry demands but also on helping students be involved in other activities. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss both sides and explain how taking part
in different activities is beneficial to the students.

A student who limits himself only to academics is a frog in a well. They will be the odd ones out in society at a later point in time. Being bookish will not help in any manner. One has to devote time to developing other talents as well. There are innumerous examples of engineering students pursuing careers as a singer, actor or sportsman. Since it is tough to predict the future, there is no need to confine oneself solely to studies. A student passionate about singing may fondly recall his live performances in university than the time spent in the classroom. The live
performances would have helped in some manner (such as removing stage fear).

One should not join a university for the sole purpose of procuring a career. There are many other facets of university life which one has to sense and appreciate. For example, a student taking part in inter-college events like a symposium will gain knowledge, build communication abilities and win more contacts which may help him in becoming successful in an interview and career as well.

Devoting time to other activities helps the person acquire overall development, albeit the primary reason to join a university is to study.

In conclusion, though it is important to concentrate on studies, one need not get trapped in the classroom. They should make time to pursue other talents beyond the curriculum as well.

Structure of the essay


You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

• Do you agree that it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities?


• Do you disagree with the idea that it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities?

Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

Question Paraphrased – A university offers courses that help students gain knowledge on a particular discipline and prepare them for a career. So it is not surprising that some of them feel students should be devoted to studies. But others argue that it is equally important to take part in other activities.

Opinion – I believe that students should acquire overall development

A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss both sides and explain how taking part in different activities is beneficial to the students

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic: Central idea: Importance of taking part in other activities

Supporting points:

• Confining oneself to the classroom does not help in the long run
• Tough to predict one’s career path
• Other activities do help in some manner [Eg: removing stage fear]

Body Paragraph 2:

Topic: Central idea: Benefits of participating in outside activities

Supporting points:

• Gains knowledge
• Builds communication abilities
• Wins contacts


Reiterated that since nobody can predict the career path, there is no need to confine oneself to the classroom. They should create time to pursue other activities as well.

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