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Some people think the spread of multinational companies and globalization produce positive outcomes for everyone. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Sample Answer 1: Band 8

Globalization has brought significant change and development to many companies across the world. It is the process of expanding the reach of the worldwide market for both companies and consumers to buy products and services from different countries. But some people believe that it produces a negative effect as well. I agree that Globalization is the reason why multinational companies are able to increase their reach. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain how globalization brings out positive outcomes for everyone.

Globalization has many advantages. It promotes global economic growth and makes companies more competitive and lowers prices for consumers. It also provides a chance for economic development in developing countries. When multinational companies start their operations in such countries, it results in a lot of employment opportunities. It also allows companies to find low-cost ways to produce their products.

Moreover, consumers also profit from Globalization. Products become cheaper, and quality goods are circulated quickly. On top of that, countries get connected and interdependent, and developed countries experience an improved standard of living. It increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a large variety of choices for consumers. Another advantage of globalization is that it promotes the spread of technology worldwide.

Though there are some disadvantages to Globalization, such as the exploitation of labor and human trafficking, it is without a doubt that it acts as a unifying force.

To summarise, globalization provides various goods at cheaper rates. It creates job opportunities and lowers costs, helping people in both developed and developing countries live better on less money.

Structure of the essay


You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

• Do you agree that the spread of multinational companies and globalization produce
positive outcomes for everyone?


• Do you disagree that the spread of multinational companies and globalization produce
positive outcomes for everyone?

Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

Question Paraphrased – Globalization has brought significant change and development to many companies across the world. Globalization is the process of expanding the reach of the worldwide market for both companies and consumers to buy products and services from different countries. Whereas, some people believe that it produces a negative effect as well.

Opinion – I agree that Globalization is the reason multinational companies are able to increase
their reach.

A thesis statement -In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain how Globalization brings out positive outcomes for everyone.

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic: Positive effects of globalization

Supporting points:

• Promotes economic growth
• Provides employment opportunities
• Creates interdependence

Body Paragraph 2:

Topic: Positive effects of globalization

Supporting points:

• Goods are circulated at cheaper rates
• Improved standard of living
• Availability of low-cost products


Reiterated that globalization has benefited both consumer and international companies and supported the side taken in the introduction.

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