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Some people think it is one of the best ways to solve environmental problems by increasing the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer 1: Band 8

Environmental pollution is a major threat that society is confronting now. Some are of the opinion that raising the price of fuel for cars and other vehicles will help. They believe that this move would prevent people from buying and using cars, which will minimize the hazardous effects of pollution. I think this idea is baseless. There are many other practical solutions to the problem. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain why this is not an effective move and outline the alternatives.

Primarily, increasing the cost of fuel has dangerous consequences. Transportation costs will increase, which means the prices of essential commodities will increase. The value of the rupee will start depreciating, which is of grave concern. There are several alternative measures that could be taken rather than increasing fuel costs. For instance, biodiesel, a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils and animal fats, could be advocated. Electric cars are another option. Fuel from hydrogen, natural gas, propane, or liquefied petroleum gas is also effective fuel alternatives. All these emit low levels of gases into the atmosphere.

An increase in fuel prices is a sign of a weak economy. Banks may increase lending rates. It is an indirect tax burden on the citizens of the country. It is an indirect hint of our situation to the global community, and we may be forced to yield to the interests of superior powers. The cost of living will increase. As a result, businesses will cut down costs which will lead to an economic recession.

Even though it is true that we have to reduce using cars that pollute the environment, resorting to alternative sources of energy is more of a win-win situation.

In conclusion, raising fuel costs will not solve environmental problems. Instead, awareness of alternate sources of petrol should be created, and people should be encouraged to use them.

Structure of the essay

You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

• Do you agree that it is one of the best ways to solve environmental problems by increasing the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles?


• Do you disagree with the idea that it is one of the best ways to solve environmental problems by increasing the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles?

Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

Question Paraphrased – Environmental pollution is a major threat that society is confronting now. Some are of the opinion that raising the price of fuel for cars and other vehicles will help. They believe that this move would prevent people from buying and using cars, which will minimize the hazardous effects of pollution.

Opinion – I completely agree with this idea.

A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain why this is not an effective move and outline the alternatives.

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic: Central idea: Consequences of increasing fuel costs and possible alternatives.

Supporting points:

• Increase in fuel costs increases the price of essential commodities
• Value of rupee depreciates
• Biodiesel, electric cars, fuel from hydrogen, propane, and natural gas are alternative fuels

Body Paragraph 2:

Topic: Central idea: Reasons for resorting to fast foods and their negative impact on lifestyle

Supporting points:

• Sign of weak economy
• Hints our situation to the world
• Cost of living increases
• Economic recession


Reiterated that instead of raising fuel prices which will lead to dangerous consequences, people should be encouraged to use alternate sources of fuel.

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