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Some people believe that too many resources and attention are devoted to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer 1: Band 8

Of late, there is a loud uproar over the money spent on conserving wildlife. But I strongly disagree and feel it is too much of a fuss. Wild animals and birds are an invaluable gift from God, and humans are vested with the responsibility of saving them. Many of them are on the verge of extinction, and I believe that we are spending the right amount of money to preserve them. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain why it is appropriate to spend money on conserving wildlife.

Primarily, they play a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the ecosystem. There are countless examples of how a decrease or increase in a particular animal species affects humankind. For example, bees help in transferring pollen grains. If bees are reduced in number, there would be low crop yields due to the dearth of pollination. Another classic example would be tigers, which are dangerously decreasing in number. Due to the decrease in tigers, the deer population may increase. Deers feed on grass. Increased grazing will lead to loss of habitat for many other species. Also, the deers may venture out from forests to cities and towns for
food. Thus, it is imperative to conserve wildlife.

Some species are unique to a particular place. For example, kangaroos are famous in Australia. Kangaroos bring in a lot of revenue in the form of visitors. Some species help in maintaining the health of the soil, which is of great help to farmers. For example, the earthworm feeds on plant and animal wastes, decomposes them, and releases chemicals that restore the soil’s nutrients. Man has caused so many problems to wildlife in the form of hunting, poaching, and deforestation. Man derives innumerous benefits from animals. So, the amount spent on them is comparatively less. So, people who claim that we are spending too much money on wildlife conservation have to sink their differences and help build a good ecosystem.

In conclusion, money spent on the conservation of wildlife is vindicated. Any step taken towards this cause should be appreciated.

Structure of the essay


You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

• Do you agree that too many resources and attention are devoted to the protection of
wild animals and birds?


• Do you disagree with the idea that too many resources and attention are devoted to the
protection of wild animals and birds?

Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

Question Paraphrased – Of late, there is a loud uproar over the money spent on conserving wildlife.

Opinion – But I strongly disagree and feel it is too much of a fuss. Many of them are on the verge of extinction, and I believe that we are spending the right amount of money for
preserving them.

A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain why it is appropriate to spend money on conserving wildlife.

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic: Central idea: Importance of conserving wildlife

Supporting points:

• To maintain ecological equilibrium
• Increase or decrease in a particular species adversely affects the ecosystem

Supporting example:

• Bees help in pollen transfer

Body Paragraph 2:

Topic: Central idea: How wildlife helps mankind

Supporting points:

• Kangaroos generate revenue by attracting visitors
• Earthworm cleans the soil


Reiterated that money spent on wildlife conservation is justified and supported the side taken in the introduction.

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