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IELTS Listening Practice Test 1


PART 1 – Questions 1—10


Questions: 1—5. Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Apartments Facilities Other Information Cost
Rose Garden Apartments studio flat Example entertainment programme: Greek dancing £219
Blue Bay Apartments large salt-water swimming pool – just 1_______ metres from beach – near shops £275
2________ Apartments Terrace watersports £490
The Grand – Greek paintings – 3________ – overlooking 4________

– near a supermarket and a disco

5 £_____



Insurance Benefits Maximum Amount
Cancellation £ __________
Hospital £600. Additional benefit allows a _________ to travel to resort
8________ departure Up to £1000. Depends on reason
Personal belongings Up to £3000; £500 for one _________


Name of Assistant Manager: Ben 10 ___________

Direct phone line: 081260 543216

PART 2 – Questions 11—20


Questions 11—13. Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

Winridge Forest Railway Park

11. Simon’s idea for a theme park came from

12. When they started, the family decided to open the park only when

13. Since opening, the park has had

Questions: 14-18.

What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 14-18.


Area of work
  • A      advertising
  • B      animal care
  • C      building
  • D     educational links
  • E      engine maintenance
  • F      food and drink
  • G     sales
  • H     staffing


14.    Simon (the speaker) _________
15.    Liz                                _________
16.    Sarah                          _________
17.    Duncan                       _________
18.    Judith                          _________



Feature Size Biggest challenge Target age group
Railway 1.2 km Making tunnels
Go-Kart arena 19 _____ Removing mounds on the track 20 _______ year-olds


PART 3 – Questions 21-30


Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Study Skills Tutorial –  Caroline  Benning


Dissertation topic:       the 21 __________

Strengths:              •          22 ___________

•     computer modelling

Weaknesses:     •        lack of background information

•     poor  23 _________ skills


Possible strategy Benefits Problems
peer  group discussion increases  24 __________ dissertations tend to contain   the same 25 _______
use the 26 _______ support service provides structured programme limited 27 ________
consult study skills books are a good source of reference can be too 28 ________


Recommendations:     •          use a card index

•      read all notes 29 ___________

Next tutorial date:       30 ______________ January



Questions: 31 and 32. Choose the correct letter, AB or  C.

31. The owners of the underground house

32. What does the speaker say about the site of the house?

Questions: 33-40. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

The Underground House


•          Built in the earth, with two floors

•          The south-facing side was constructed of two layers of 33 ___________

•          Photovoltaic tiles were attached

•          A layer of foam was used to improve the 34 __________ of the building

Special features

•          To increase the light, the building has many internal mirrors and 35 __________

•          In future, the house may produce more 36 _______ than it needs

•          Recycled wood was used for the 37 __________ of the house

•          The system for processing domestic 38 ____________ is organic

Environmental issues

•          The use of large quantities of 39 __________ in construction was environmentally harmful

•          But the house will have paid its ‘environmental debt’ within 40 _________

Show Answers

  1. 300
  2. Sunshade
  3. balcony
  4. forest/forests
  5. 319
  6. 10,000
  7. relative
  8. missed
  9. item
  10. Ludlow
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. E
  15. H
  16. F
  17. C
  18. G
  19. 120
  20. 5 to 12
  21. fishing
  22. statistics
  23. note
  24. confidence
  25. ideas
  26. student
  27. places
  28. general
  29. 3 times
  30. 25
  31. B
  32. A
  33. glass
  34. insulation
  35. windows
  36. electricity
  37. floor/floors
  38. waste
  39. concrete
  40. 15 years


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