IELTS Writing

  • Today, more and more full time university students focus on other activities rather than spend a lot of time studying. Some people think it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    A university offers courses that help students gain knowledge on a particular discipline and prepare them for a career. So it is not surprising that some of them feel students should be devoted to studies. But others argue that it is equally important to take part in other activities. I believe that students should acquire overall development. The university should concentrate not only on meeting industry demands but also on helping students be involved in other activities. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss both sides and explain how taking part
    in different activities is beneficial to the students.

    A student who limits himself only to academics is a frog in a well. They will be the odd ones out in society at a later point in time. Being bookish will not help in any manner. One has to devote time to developing other talents as well. There are innumerous examples of engineering students pursuing careers as a singer, actor or sportsman. Since it is tough to predict the future, there is no need to confine oneself solely to studies. A student passionate about singing may fondly recall his live performances in university than the time spent in the classroom. The live
    performances would have helped in some manner (such as removing stage fear).

    One should not join a university for the sole purpose of procuring a career. There are many other facets of university life which one has to sense and appreciate. For example, a student taking part in inter-college events like a symposium will gain knowledge, build communication abilities and win more contacts which may help him in becoming successful in an interview and career as well.

    Devoting time to other activities helps the person acquire overall development, albeit the primary reason to join a university is to study.

    In conclusion, though it is important to concentrate on studies, one need not get trapped in the classroom. They should make time to pursue other talents beyond the curriculum as well.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities?


    • Do you disagree with the idea that it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – A university offers courses that help students gain knowledge on a particular discipline and prepare them for a career. So it is not surprising that some of them feel students should be devoted to studies. But others argue that it is equally important to take part in other activities.

    Opinion – I believe that students should acquire overall development

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss both sides and explain how taking part in different activities is beneficial to the students

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Importance of taking part in other activities

    Supporting points:

    • Confining oneself to the classroom does not help in the long run
    • Tough to predict one’s career path
    • Other activities do help in some manner [Eg: removing stage fear]

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: Benefits of participating in outside activities

    Supporting points:

    • Gains knowledge
    • Builds communication abilities
    • Wins contacts


    Reiterated that since nobody can predict the career path, there is no need to confine oneself to the classroom. They should create time to pursue other activities as well.

  • Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve poverty. So rich countries should give other types of help to poor countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    Underdeveloped countries receive a substantial amount of aid from developed countries. But, it is interesting to note that this measure has not eradicated poverty in the nations receiving support. So people have started thinking that financial aid must be substituted with other forms of assistance. I strongly believe in the latter point of view. In the following paragraphs, I shall explain how emergent nations can prosper with other forms of aid.

    Primarily, monetary assistance cannot alleviate the deep-rooted problems in underdeveloped nations. For example, the world bank may spend generously on country A. But the country’s political environment may not be stable. So the funds may not reach the poor. The government may introduce namesake development programs that don’t help the people. Moreover, the country may have unresolved social problems. Eventually, the country will continue to remain poor despite receiving huge amounts of aid. So it is high time that developed nations resort to other forms of assistance in these countries.

    Primarily, they must invest in education and healthcare. Young people should receive a quality education. Everyone should have access to proper medical treatment. Education will help eradicate unemployment and prevent people from resorting to unlawful activities. So developed countries must help in building good schools, universities, and hospitals. Moreover, they can help stabilize the government in these countries and monitor whether the political environment is conducive to growth.

    Although monetary helps in feeding the hungry lot, it is only a temporary solution.

    In summary, mere financial aid will not help in developing a country. The right form of assistance must be decided after a thorough analysis of the country’s social, economic, climatic, and political conditions.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that rich countries should give other types of help to poor countries rather than financial aid?


    • Do you disagree that rich countries should give other types of help to poor countries rather than financial aid?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Underdeveloped countries receive a substantial amount of aid from developed countries. But, it is interesting to note that this measure has not eradicated poverty in the nations receiving support. So people have started thinking that financial aid must be substituted with other forms of assistance.

    Opinion – I strongly believe in the latter point of view.

    A thesis statement – In the following paragraphs, I shall explain how emergent nations can prosper with other forms of aid.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Why financial aid fails to help?

    Supporting points:

    • Unstable political environment.
    • Introduction of namesake programs
    • Unresolved social problems

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: Alternatives that can help

    Supporting points:

    • Investment in education and healthcare
    • Monitoring political conditions


    Reiterated that type of aid must be decided after an in-depth study of the country and just financing is of no help.

  • The most effective way to solve traffic and transport problems in the cities is to discourage people from the suburbs or the countryside from moving to the cities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    In recent times, there has been a surge in traffic in cities. Some people think that one practical solution to this problem is to stop suburban and rural people from moving to cities. I completely agree with this statement. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall put forth the arguments in favor of my opinion.

    Primarily, cities are jam-packed. They have reached their point of saturation. It has become challenging to find the way during peak hours of traffic. Industrialization and urbanization are the primary reasons for traffic congestion in cities. So, moving people from the countryside to cities will prove to be a catastrophe. Since people move to cities for a better lifestyle, there will be an increase in the number of cars which will increase the carbon footprint, thereby leading to problems like global warming. Real estate prices have already skyrocketed due to the demand for living spaces. According to a survey, Bangalore has the monstrous traffic jams in the world. On average, Bengalureans driving during peak hours ends up wasting an extra 243 hours, i.e., ten days, 3 hours in traffic each year. Another interesting thing is that companies have considered opening up office spaces in the countryside owing to its calm atmosphere and fewer traffic problems.

    Due to overcrowding, there may be a sudden increase in the number of accidents that occur on roads. Many people who don’t find a seat in public transport will travel on footboards and may fall when the vehicle stops suddenly. Two-wheelers who want to escape slow-moving traffic may be hit by cars. People rushing to catch a train may be injured due to stampedes.

    Even though moving from the countryside to the city is viewed as a sign of an improved lifestyle, the truth is that it is linked to dangerous consequences like a hike in real estate prices apart from causing traffic congestion. In fact, the trend is reversing now with companies moving to the countryside for a better environment.

    In conclusion, moving people from the countryside to cities will fuel the already burning traffic problems. So it is absolutely right that we discourage them from moving to cities.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that the most effective way to solve traffic and transport problems in the cities is to discourage people from the suburbs or the countryside from moving to the cities?


    • Do you disagree with the idea that the most effective way to solve traffic and transport problems in the cities is to discourage people from the suburbs or the countryside from moving to the cities?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – In recent times, there has been a surge in traffic in cities. Some people think that one practical solution to this problem is to stop suburban and rural people from moving to cities.

    Opinion – I completely agree with this statement.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall put forth the arguments in favor of my opinion.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Existing traffic problems in cities and negative consequences of moving from rural areas to cities.

    Supporting points:

    • Traffic congestion in cities has already reached the saturation point.
    • People will buy more cars increasing environmental problems
    • Hike in real estate prices

    Supporting example:

    • Statistics of Bangalore traffic

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: Problems due to overcrowding

    Supporting points:

    • Accidents may increase
    • People may become prey to stampede


    Reiterated that it is right to discourage people from rural areas from moving to cities and supported the side taken in the introduction.

  • Most people these days prefer getting news online to reading newspapers or watching TV. Do you think it is a positive development?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    In the olden days, newspapers and television were the only source of information for people. But now, times have changed. The internet has gained a monopoly in this domain. Newspapers and television are swept away by the giant tide of the internet. In my opinion, this is not a positive development. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain the reasons for the same.

    Primarily, newspapers are authentic sources of information. If they mishandle the content, they are liable to be sued in a defamation case. So they are more likely to be responsible when writing news. News writers are supposed to write in good language. So the reader’s knowledge of the language improves over a period of time. Besides, they also have crosswords, puzzles, and various other things apart from news. Also, they have a column where the reader can pen his views. So, it gives the chance for the reader to ponder over social issues and make his contribution; however small it may be. They have a dedicated column for children which is proven to improve language abilities. These are the primary reasons why schools force children to read newspapers.

    Regarding TV channels, they are also bound by rules and regulations. So they cannot telecast forged content. A person gets to see the critical discussions in parliament, which is very useful in gaining knowledge about the stands of various political parties on burning issues.

    On the other hand, the news on the internet is instant. The writers have unlimited freedom to write whatever they want on a particular issue. Online communication is dominating because of its capability to reach the masses within a very short time. The content is also small, well-suited to readers who surf news on their mobile and don’t have the patience to read large volumes of content.

    Even though online news is succinct and reaches people at the speed of lightning, its content is not trustworthy. They are not bound by any laws and news authors are not held responsible for mistakes.

    To summarise, though online news is gaining popularity due to its crisp content, they are no match to the authentic information by newspapers and television channels.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that it is a positive development?


    • Do you disagree with the idea that it is a positive development?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – In the olden days, newspapers and television were the
    only source of information for people. But now, times have changed. The internet has gained a
    monopoly in this domain. Newspapers and television are swept away by the giant tide of the

    Opinion – In my opinion, this is not a positive development.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain the reasons for the same.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Importance and benefits of newspapers and tv channels

    Supporting points:

    • Authentic sources of information
    • Writers held responsible for content
    • Bound by laws
    • Improves language abilities of the readers
    • Telecasts of parliamentary discussions help the common man gain information on stands taken by various political parties.

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: Advantages of online news

    Supporting points:

    • Instant updates
    • Reaches the masses in no time
    • Succinct content for mobile readers


    Reiterated that though online content is succinct and reaches the masses in less time, newspapers and television channels are under compulsion to produce authentic news due to the fact that they are answerable to the law.

  • Some people believe that too many resources and attention are devoted to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    Of late, there is a loud uproar over the money spent on conserving wildlife. But I strongly disagree and feel it is too much of a fuss. Wild animals and birds are an invaluable gift from God, and humans are vested with the responsibility of saving them. Many of them are on the verge of extinction, and I believe that we are spending the right amount of money to preserve them. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain why it is appropriate to spend money on conserving wildlife.

    Primarily, they play a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the ecosystem. There are countless examples of how a decrease or increase in a particular animal species affects humankind. For example, bees help in transferring pollen grains. If bees are reduced in number, there would be low crop yields due to the dearth of pollination. Another classic example would be tigers, which are dangerously decreasing in number. Due to the decrease in tigers, the deer population may increase. Deers feed on grass. Increased grazing will lead to loss of habitat for many other species. Also, the deers may venture out from forests to cities and towns for
    food. Thus, it is imperative to conserve wildlife.

    Some species are unique to a particular place. For example, kangaroos are famous in Australia. Kangaroos bring in a lot of revenue in the form of visitors. Some species help in maintaining the health of the soil, which is of great help to farmers. For example, the earthworm feeds on plant and animal wastes, decomposes them, and releases chemicals that restore the soil’s nutrients. Man has caused so many problems to wildlife in the form of hunting, poaching, and deforestation. Man derives innumerous benefits from animals. So, the amount spent on them is comparatively less. So, people who claim that we are spending too much money on wildlife conservation have to sink their differences and help build a good ecosystem.

    In conclusion, money spent on the conservation of wildlife is vindicated. Any step taken towards this cause should be appreciated.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that too many resources and attention are devoted to the protection of
    wild animals and birds?


    • Do you disagree with the idea that too many resources and attention are devoted to the
    protection of wild animals and birds?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Of late, there is a loud uproar over the money spent on conserving wildlife.

    Opinion – But I strongly disagree and feel it is too much of a fuss. Many of them are on the verge of extinction, and I believe that we are spending the right amount of money for
    preserving them.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain why it is appropriate to spend money on conserving wildlife.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Importance of conserving wildlife

    Supporting points:

    • To maintain ecological equilibrium
    • Increase or decrease in a particular species adversely affects the ecosystem

    Supporting example:

    • Bees help in pollen transfer

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: How wildlife helps mankind

    Supporting points:

    • Kangaroos generate revenue by attracting visitors
    • Earthworm cleans the soil


    Reiterated that money spent on wildlife conservation is justified and supported the side taken in the introduction.

  • Countries should produce the food that their population eats, and import as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons, examples to your answer.

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    Almost every country in the world is struggling to meet its food demands without depending on others. Food security means ensuring all citizens have access to nutritious food. In times of international food crisis, we cannot rely on imports. So, it is imperative that every country drafts its own plans for self-sufficiency in food production. I’m in complete agreement with this idea. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall expound my thoughts in detail.

    Primarily, a food crisis hikes food prices which may lead to social problems within a country. For example, the international food crisis which occurred in 2007-08 proved that food insecurity is linked to dangerous consequences. According to a survey, the global community is at risk of confronting a severe food challenge by 2050 because we have to feed 9 billion people.

    Improving the agricultural sector impacts positively on the country’s economy. It creates jobs for the unemployed and helps in eradicating poverty. If crops are produced in surplus, it increases exports. Food security also increases the brand image of the country in the international arena owing to increased stability. If we can produce nutritious food in a self-sustained manner, we will be building a healthy community.

    In times of war-like situations, international trade may be banned. So countries which depend solely on imports for feeding its population will suffer badly. Stored food reserves will be helpful in times of natural disasters like earthquakes. Moreover, the dangerous preservatives used in imported foods to make them last long impact negatively on health.

    In conclusion, food security is indeed the need of the hour. It is a sign of an improved economy and also a solution for many chronic problems within a country.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that Countries should produce the food that their population eats, and
    import as little as possible?


    • Do you disagree with the idea that Countries should produce the food that their
    population eats, and import as little as possible?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Almost every country in the world is struggling to meet its food demands without depending on others. Food security means ensuring all citizens have access to nutritious food. In times of international food crisis, we cannot rely on imports. So, it is imperative that every country drafts its own plans for self-sufficiency in food production.

    Opinion – I’m in complete agreement with this idea.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall expound my thoughts in detail.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Dangerous consequences of food insecurity

    Supporting points:

    • Hike in food prices
    • social unrest within the country

    Supporting evidence:

    • International food crisis in 2007-08

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: Benefits of food security

    Supporting points:

    • Increased employment opportunities
    • Positive impact on the economy
    • Increases trade opportunities
    • Increased stability

    Body Paragraph 3:

    Topic: Central idea: Benefits of food security

    Supporting points:

    • Stored food reserves help in times of uncertainty
    • Imported foods are unhealthy


    Reiterated the importance of food security and supported the side taken in the introduction.

    For example: In conclusion, food security is indeed the need of the hour. It is a sign of an
    improved economy and also a solution for many chronic problems within a country.

  • Many scientists believe that now we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether they will grow up to be criminals. To what extent do you think crime is determined by human nature?Is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    Brain study has progressed significantly in the last decade. The human brain controls the functioning of the entire system and emotions are just a byproduct of the chemical activity in the brain. So, it is no wonder that scientists claim that they can predict the propensity for criminal activities in a child by studying his/her brain at the early age of 3. Though external factors influence a child’s behavior, innate qualities decide the character. So it is very right that scientific study of the brain can identify criminals at a tender age. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall delve deep into how brain study will help parents raise children in the right manner.

    We have innumerous examples to show that a child need not be like his parent. A child born to a criminal may be a morally righteous person. A child born to good parents may involve in unlawful activities. So, it is the brain that decides the character and not the upbringing. In the present century, we are gifted with the option of conducting a brain analysis to determine the right way of taking care of a child.

    Once it is detected that the child has an inclination towards crime, parents can decide the kind of education and nurturing they should receive. Parents can ensure that the child is taught the importance of moral values. They can also teach him/her about the consequences of breaking the law and instill a sense of fear for doing something wrong in the eyes of the law. They can also watch their peer group and, in fact, form one for him/her so that good people influence them. Having prior knowledge of the child’s penchant will help the parent guide him in the right direction.

    In conclusion, if scientific studies can determine the likelihood of criminal tendencies in a child. Parents should make use of this scientific development and decide the mode of children’s upbringing to stop them from becoming criminals.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether
    they will grow up to be criminals?


    • Do you disagree that we can study the behavior of a three-year-old child to see whether
    they will grow up to be criminals?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Brain study has progressed significantly in the last decade. The human brain controls the functioning of the entire system and emotions are just a byproduct of the chemical activity in the brain. So, it is no wonder that scientists claim that they can predict the propensity for criminal activities in a child by studying his/her brain at the early age of 3.

    Opinion – So it is very right that scientific study of the brain can identify criminals at a tender age.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall delve deep into how brain study will help parents raise children in the right manner.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Children need not be like their parents

    Supporting points:

    • Brain decides the character.
    • Brain study can decide the mode of upbringing

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: Steps that parents can take based on brain study

    Supporting points:

    • Teach moral values
    • Instill fear for doing something unlawful
    • Decide the peer group


    Reiterated that science can predict criminal tendencies in a child and decide the way a child should be raised to stop him/her from becoming a criminal.

  • The key solution for the environmental issues is for the current generation to live a less comfortable life to benefit future generations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    The world is bedeviled with monstrous environmental hazards like global warming and a rise in seawater levels. Some think that the best solution to the problem is that the current generation should sacrifice their comforts for the benefit of future generations. I do not deny that lifestyle changes are necessary, but this does not mean that the present generation has to sacrifice their comforts. The lifestyle changes may be beneficial for the current generation in many ways.

    The lifestyle changes may not be onerous. For example, the government has banned the use of plastics. Shop owners have resorted to paper and cloth bags instead. This move has not reduced the comfort of the current generation in any manner. There is a change in lifestyle with no reduction in the comfort level. Another initiative from the government is planting trees and policing paper use. People are advised to take double side printouts. This is a welcome initiative as trees help to purify the air, which is beneficial for the environment. It improves air
    quality, and the current generation can breathe fresh air. By minimizing paper use, we are avoiding unnecessary felling of trees.

    The government has also asked people to reduce the use of energy. It is a good practice to turn off the lights and unplug the chargers after use. Some electrical appliances are found to consume electricity even after being turned off. This is good for our pockets as well. Owning cars is indeed a symbol of an improved lifestyle. But we should become aware that we are emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which causes global warming and a rise in seawater levels. So, we should restrict the use of cars and use public transport as much as possible. This is economical for the car owner as well because he would be saving money on fuel.

    Although it requires some effort from the current generation, they don’t cause discomfort in any manner.

    To conclude, it is true that the current generation has to make lifestyle changes to reduce environmental issues. But I disagree that these changes have to reduce the comfort level of the current generation. The truth is that the changes improve the standard of living of the current generation. They are creating a better world without making any compromise on their comforts.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that the current generation has to live a less comfortable life to reduce
    environmental issues?


    • Do you disagree that the current generation has to live a less comfortable life to reduce
    environmental issues?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – The world is bedeviled with monstrous environmental hazards like global warming and a rise in seawater levels. Some think that the best solution to the problem is that the current generation should sacrifice their comforts for the benefit of future generations.

    Opinion – I do not deny that lifestyle changes are necessary, but this does not mean that the present generation has to sacrifice their comforts.

    A thesis statement – The lifestyle changes may be beneficial for the current generation in many ways.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Central idea: Go-Green initiatives are beneficial to people

    Supporting points:

    • Plastics banned
    • Planting trees
    • Policing paper use

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Central idea: Go-Green initiatives are beneficial to people

    Supporting points:

    • Being conscious of the use of energy
    • Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions


    Reiterated that people continue to live comfortably albeit making lifestyle changes and supported the side taken in the introduction.

  • Some people think the spread of multinational companies and globalization produce positive outcomes for everyone. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    Globalization has brought significant change and development to many companies across the world. It is the process of expanding the reach of the worldwide market for both companies and consumers to buy products and services from different countries. But some people believe that it produces a negative effect as well. I agree that Globalization is the reason why multinational companies are able to increase their reach. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain how globalization brings out positive outcomes for everyone.

    Globalization has many advantages. It promotes global economic growth and makes companies more competitive and lowers prices for consumers. It also provides a chance for economic development in developing countries. When multinational companies start their operations in such countries, it results in a lot of employment opportunities. It also allows companies to find low-cost ways to produce their products.

    Moreover, consumers also profit from Globalization. Products become cheaper, and quality goods are circulated quickly. On top of that, countries get connected and interdependent, and developed countries experience an improved standard of living. It increases global competition, which drives prices down and creates a large variety of choices for consumers. Another advantage of globalization is that it promotes the spread of technology worldwide.

    Though there are some disadvantages to Globalization, such as the exploitation of labor and human trafficking, it is without a doubt that it acts as a unifying force.

    To summarise, globalization provides various goods at cheaper rates. It creates job opportunities and lowers costs, helping people in both developed and developing countries live better on less money.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that the spread of multinational companies and globalization produce
    positive outcomes for everyone?


    • Do you disagree that the spread of multinational companies and globalization produce
    positive outcomes for everyone?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – Globalization has brought significant change and development to many companies across the world. Globalization is the process of expanding the reach of the worldwide market for both companies and consumers to buy products and services from different countries. Whereas, some people believe that it produces a negative effect as well.

    Opinion – I agree that Globalization is the reason multinational companies are able to increase
    their reach.

    A thesis statement -In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain how Globalization brings out positive outcomes for everyone.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: Positive effects of globalization

    Supporting points:

    • Promotes economic growth
    • Provides employment opportunities
    • Creates interdependence

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: Positive effects of globalization

    Supporting points:

    • Goods are circulated at cheaper rates
    • Improved standard of living
    • Availability of low-cost products


    Reiterated that globalization has benefited both consumer and international companies and supported the side taken in the introduction.

  • Fast food is becoming one part of life everywhere; this has bad effects on our lifestyle and diet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Sample Answer 1: Band 8

    It is undeniable that the consumption of junk food is increasingly becoming part of everyday life. Junk food has changed our eating habits and made us develop an increased risk of obesity and chronic diseases. I agree that people have started relying too much on fast food in terms of finding convenience, which has adversely affected human life. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain how fast food leaves harmful effects on humans.

    Numerous examples show how junk food is negatively affecting the lifestyle of people. Eating low-quality food causes various health diseases like obesity, depression, digestion issues, and stroke. Many people who consume junk food are aware of the negative health consequences but still cannot resist eating it. There are many other reasons why people cannot stop eating junk food. Because of their busy lives, people try to look for food that is easy to cook and readily available. As a result, people end up buying junk food despite negative consequences.

    Further, junk food does not contain any nutrition, which is why youngsters lack proper growth and development. In the long run, it becomes dangerous. Because of the lack of appropriate nutrition in the diet, people suffer from various health issues. Moreover, junk food is an unhealthy substitute for home-cooked food, as it contains large amounts of saturated fats, calories, and salt. On the other hand, a healthy diet is essential for good health. It protects you against many chronic diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is essential to promote the overall growth of the body.

    Though junk foods are tasty and easy to obtain, it is undeniable that we are slowly poisoning ourselves by consuming them.

    To summarise, overeating junk food certainly causes adverse effects and contributes to high cholesterol, obesity, and heart disease.

    Structure of the essay


    You were given an opinion essay which means you had to pick the side. So,

    • Do you agree that adapting fast food to everyday life adversely affects people’s diet and


    • Do you disagree that adapting fast food to everyday life adversely affects people’s diet
    and lifestyle?

    Once you pick the side, you can start planning your essay and then writing it.

    Don’t forget to state your opinion on it.

    Question Paraphrased – It is undeniable that consumption of junk food is increasingly becoming part of everyday life. Eating junk food has changed our eating habits and made us prone to develop an increased risk of obesity and chronic diseases.

    Opinion – I agree that people have started relying too much on fast food in terms of finding convenience, which has adversely affected human life.

    A thesis statement – In the forthcoming paragraph, I shall explain how fast food leaves harmful effects on humans.

    Body Paragraph 1:

    Topic: How fast food affects the human body.

    Supporting points:

    • Causes harmful disease
    • Easy to cook and readily available
    • Issue of the negligence of people

    Body Paragraph 2:

    Topic: How fast food affects the human body.

    Supporting points:

    • Lacks proper growth and development
    • Lacks proper nutrition
    • Contains a large number of saturated fats and calories
    • Benefits of a healthy diet


    Reiterated that eating fast food can cause harmful effects on the human body and supported the side taken in the introduction.

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